J. Graham Miller Books

The Treasury of His Promises by Graham Miller

The Treasury of His Promises

366 Daily Bible Readings by Graham Miller

by J. Graham Miller

price Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $17.10.


Daily devotional Bible readings to encourage reading, meditation on, and obedience to the Word of God. 386pp.

A Day’s March Nearer Home by J. Graham Miller

A Day’s March Nearer Home

Autobiography of J. Graham Miller

by J. Graham Miller

price From: $15.00


The autobiography of a lawyer, missionary, preacher, author and intercessor, whose great aim was to point others to Jesus Christ. A day of national mourning was appointed in Vanuatu on his death in 2008. 352pp.

Cover Image of 'Calvin's Wisdom'

Calvin’s Wisdom

An Anthology Arranged Alphabetically

by J. Graham Miller

price Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $25.20.


An alphabetical anthology from the Reformer’s writings. 424pp.

An A-Z of Christian Truth and Experience by J. Graham Miller
price Original price was: $21.00.Current price is: $18.90.


Sayings from the most influential thinkers and writers of all the Christian centuries. A store of priceless treasure. 144pp.