J. Graham Miller Books

Treasury Of His Promises

Treasury Of His Promises

366 Daily Bible Readings by Graham Miller

by J. Graham Miller

price £8.50


Daily devotional Bible readings to encourage reading, meditation on, and obedience to the Word of God. 386pp.

Day's March Nearer Home

A Day’s March Nearer Home

Autobiography of J. Graham Miller

by J. Graham Miller

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The autobiography of a lawyer, missionary, preacher, author and intercessor, whose great aim was to point others to Jesus Christ. A day of national mourning was appointed in Vanuatu on his death in 2008. 352pp.

Calvin's Wisdom

Calvin’s Wisdom

An Anthology Arranged Alphabetically

by J. Graham Miller

price £17.00


An alphabetical anthology from the Reformer’s writings. 424pp.

An A-Z of Christian Truth and Experience
price £12.00


Sayings from the most influential thinkers and writers of all the Christian centuries. A store of priceless treasure. 144pp.