Peter Barnes Books


The Milk Of The Word

An Introduction to the Christian Faith

by Peter Barnes

price £5.00
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A clear, simple introduction to fundamental truths of the Faith. 96pp.

John Calvin, Man of God's Word

John Calvin, Man of God’s Word

Written and Preached

by Peter Barnes

price From: £5.00


This brief study is an indication of the debt the church owes to Calvin the theologian, commentator and preacher. 144pp.

A Handful of Pebbles

A Handful of Pebbles

Theological Liberalism and the Church

by Peter Barnes

price £5.50


Theological Liberalism and the Church’ — traces the origin and development of theological liberalism and how dangerous it is to the church. 96pp.

Both Sides Now

Both Sides Now

Ecclesiastes and the Human Condition

by Peter Barnes

price £5.25


An evangelistic book based upon Ecclesiastes, for those seeking God, meaning and fulfilment in an apparently futile world. 112pp.



Open Your Mouth for the Dumb

by Peter Barnes

price From: £1.50
Avg. Rating


In this revised and updated booklet, Australian pastor Peter Barnes exhorts us to ‘open our mouths for the dumb’ (Prov. 31:8). 64pp.