Pilgrim’s Progress


Weight 0.45 kg
Dimensions 18.8 × 12.7 × 2.7 cm
ISBN 9781848717466

Cloth-bound, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Cloth-bound & eBook (ePub & Kindle)



Page Count


Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Apr 27, 2017


‘It is a masterpiece of piety and genius; and will, we doubt not, be of standing use to the people of God be so long as the sun and moon endure.’ — A. M. TOPLADY

‘Read anything of his, and you will see that it is almost like reading the Bible itself. He had read it till his whole being was saturated with Scripture; and, though his writings are charmingly full of poetry, yet he cannot give us his Pilgrim’s Progress – without continually making us feel and say, “Why, this man is a living Bible!”’ –C. H. SPURGEON

Book Description

Although John Bunyan’s Pilgrim emerged in Puritan dress from the Town Prison on Bedford Bridge in 1676, he has remained to this day, in more than 120 languages, an influence which is almost as wide as Christianity itself. Many explanations are offered for the book’s enduring appeal—the masterly allegory which can charm both child and adult; the great humanness of the characters who, after a few rapid strokes, appear in flesh and blood likeness; the plain, vivid English—and yet all these things are secondary.

Above all, Pilgrim’s Progress is a life story. It depicts the life which Bunyan himself lived and, at the same time, the life with which all Christians can substantially identify themselves. For, as Augustus M. Toplady wrote, the book describes ‘every stage of a Christian’s experience, from conversion to glorification.’ It does so with such abiding relevance because Bunyan’s world of thought is that of the Bible itself.

This re-typeset edition of Pilgrim’s Progress is based on the edition published by John C. Nimmo in 1895. It includes marginal notes and Scripture references, together with the fine etchings by William Strang.



Submit your testimonial

  1. David

    I bought a bunch of these for my friends and me. Banner of Truth’s edition of The Pilgrim’s progress is the best one anyone could pick up. Sturdy hardback, sewn binding, and beautiful high quality paper, and perfect dimensions are some of the things that will make this edition a lifelong friend. Thought about buying another one for myself for backup.

  2. Willem

    Beautiful presentation, especially the illustrations. Ultimately the beauty lies not in the appearance however, but in Bunyan’s brilliant portrayal of the Christian life. It overflows with biblical truth!

  3. Fred

    This is one of my favorite books by John Bunyan. I have listened to it being read more then once and I enjoyed it. It is really well done. I bought more then one copy to give away.

  4. Jeremy

    Great book. Must read.

  5. Robert Norman

    Wonderful allegory of the soul’s journey from worldliness to eternal salvation. Immensely practical and a great story of Christian experience.

  6. MatteoB

    I remember studying the story John Bunyan’s Pilgrims Progress in RE at school when I was a young lad and being very moved by it and also loving the hymn “Who would True Valour See” . It is to my shame then not to have picked it up and read it again until very recently: 30 years later. Therefore I was delighted to come across this edition and even more delighted to see there is a sequel about Christian’s wife and children. I have again been moved by Bunyan’s powerful allegory. It really speaks to one’s soul and gives one a model to live to: both encouragement and gentle prods of the stick too. To complete the package this Banner of Truth edition is an extremely high quality book on good paper with sown bindings which has become something of a rarity these days at least in the UK, so the book lies flat and will last many years. It is definitely worth the money and should be on every Christian’s bookshelf.

  7. Gian Luca Holzer

    A must read for every young men who is called to the ministry of the glorious Gospel of our great God and Savior through Jesus Christ. Immensely grateful for having been entrusted with this treasure. I would not only recommend this two stories to future ministers, but urge also everybody else who is on their journey from this fallen world to the New Jerusalem!

  8. Keifer Navey

    I don’t have to tell you how good this book is. Both believers and nonbelievers around the world know the story of Christian and his journey to be relieved of his great burden.

    But I will tell you about this very special edition. Republished by @banneroftruth this gorgeous edition is for longtime fans of the book and those who have yet to read it for themselves. It’s for pastors to revisit over a lifetime of ministry. It’s for mom and dads to read aloud to the kids over and over.

    It’s hardback, smyth-sewn, and filled with marginal notes. The typeset is readable and the size is comfortable. I say that because it’s the perfect size for holding with one hand while you hold your child as you read aloud.

    This was Charles Spurgeon’s favorite book and it’s one of mine as well. It’s a timeless story that every time you pick it up you feel like your reading a biography of your own life. I highly recommend this book to you, and specifically this beautiful edition. It’s perfect for reading as a family after family worship or just cover to cover in a sitting or two.

  9. John Larson

    I’ve told people for years that Bunyan’s masterpiece is essentially the finest 1-volume commentary on the Bible there is. Very few books rate the label of being “in a class by itself” outside of Scripture, but this treasure nails it.

  10. Daylan Nussbaum

    An absolutely beautiful copy of The Pilgrims Progress!!! It has both Christian and Christiana’s journey, as well as containing a set of illustrations that are better than some I have seen. This version has creamy, opaque paper with generous margins and is perfect for note-taking. Not to mention the phenomenal quality of the book as a whole. Bunyan’s classic has been one of the most influential books in Church History; Spurgeon alone read it over one-hundred times. All in all, The Pilgrims Progress is a must-have for every Christian, and Banner’s edition would be a great choice to consider.

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