Books on Theology

Showing 1–12 of 450 results

The Life of Elijah by A. W. Pink
price Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $16.20.
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An exposition of Elijah’s ministry with application to the contemporary situation. Paperback, 320 pages.

Help Heavenward by Octavius Winslow

Help Heavenward

Guidance and Strength for the Christian’s Life Journey

by Octavius Winslow

price Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $12.60.


Guidance and encouragement from ‘The Pilgrim’s Companion’ for Christians on their life journey. Paperback, 232 pages.

Last Things by David McKay

Last Things

Preparing for the Future in the Present


price From: $6.50


Book Description When discussing the ‘last things,’ what often comes to our minds is the book of Revelation and its striking visions – and often unhelpful speculation about their details. David McKay focuses instead on the Bible’s clear message about things to come: the Lord’s return, the certainty of judgment, the resurrection, and the reality […]

Daniel Rowland by Eifion Evans

Daniel Rowland

and the Great Evangelical Awakening in Wales

by Eifion Evans

price From: $15.00
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Book Description J. C. Ryle described Daniel Rowland (1711–1790) as ‘one of the spiritual giants of the eighteenth century.’ Lady Huntingdon considered him to be ‘second only to Whitefield.’ Howel Harris wrote of him, ‘In his pulpit he is second to St Paul,’ while others acclaimed him as ‘the greatest preacher in Europe.’ Yet he […]

The Sermons of Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically by Dr. John Snyder with bookcase in the background

The Sermons of Behold Your God

Rethinking God Biblically

by Media Gratiae

price $25.00


Our culture noticeably fails to solve any issues. Why? Our world tries to navigate life with ignorance of the God who made us and this world. Rethinking God according to his word will restore us, our homes, our churches, and our nations.

The Character of Christ by Jonathan Landry Cruse

The Character of Christ

The Fruit of the Spirit in the Life of Our Saviour

by Jonathan Landry Cruse

price From: $8.00
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Book Description Author Jonathan Landry Cruse examines the godly attributes of the fruit of the Spirit in the Lord’s example and shows us that we can bear true fruit for God only by our union to the the life-giving Vine. Most experienced Christians are familiar with the fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians. Love, […]

Christmas Thoughts by J. C. Ryle
price Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $17.10.
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Book Description Christmas, and New Year, are excellent moments to pause and reflect—as scattered families regather for the national holiday, and as the calendar turns over again, with another year gone forever. J. C. Ryle urges us – in the midst of our feasting and festivities and family reunions – to make time to consider […]

Collected Sets Sheet Folder
price Original price was: $160.00.Current price is: $144.00.
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Book Description ‘Times of difficulty and of persecution have always been seasons in which God’s ministers shine with greatest lustre.’ These words from the memoir of Bridge contained in these collected Works of William Bridge serve to remind readers of the context in which William Bridge lived and worked. Born in Cambridgeshire around 1600, Bridge […]

image of sermons on job
price From: $60.00
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Endorsements ‘These sermons are timeless; they are more about God than they are about Job or his suffering.’ — DEREK THOMAS Book Description The name of John Calvin (1509-1564) is justly renowned in a number of contexts. The Reformation’s greatest systematic theologian, he was also a Christian strategist and transformer of society, as his enormous […]

The Doctrine of Election by John Calvin
price From: $13.50
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Book Description Translated from the French by Robert White When Calvin says he would not have spoken of election had Scripture not led the way, we need not doubt his word. He defends the doctrine with vigour because it runs as an unbroken thread through both Old and New Testaments. Like the doctrines of providence, […]

Words from the Cross by Ian Hamilton
price From: $10.00
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Book Description Paul’s words in Galatians 6:14, ‘Far be it for me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,’ highlight how central and personally significant the cross of Christ is to Christians. Jesus himself saw the cross as his divinely appointed destiny. As he began to experience the unimaginable agony that […]

The Sinfulness of Sin by Ralph Venning
price Original price was: $11.00.Current price is: $9.90.
Avg. Rating


A crystal-clear explanation of what sin is, why it is so serious, amd what we need to do about it. 284pp.

Showing 1–12 of 450 results