Church & Ministry

The books and booklets on this page cover important practical and theological topics regarding church and ministry. These books will help pastors lead their congregations and will be a help to church members seeking to serve their church more faithfully. The audio from the Banner of Truth Ministers’ Conferences can also be found here. Popular titles include Reading the Bible and Praying in Public by Stuart Olyott and Rest in God by Iain H. Murray.

Showing 37–48 of 75 results

A Vision for Missions by Tom Wells

A Vision for Missions

The Character of God and the Missionary Motive

by Tom Wells

price Original price was: $11.00.Current price is: $9.90.
Avg. Rating


Tom Wells wisely summons us back to first principles about missions. Human need is not the starting place. The gospel is a call to know and worship God. 160pp.

Today's Gospel

Today’s Gospel

Authentic or Synthetic?

by Walter J. Chantry

price Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $8.10.
Avg. Rating


In Today’s Gospel: Authentic or Synthetic?, Chantry uses the story of the rich young ruler (Mark 10:17-27) to present the true nature of the gospel, and expose the unbiblical ways in which it is presented today. 96pp.


Satan Cast Out

A Study in Biblical Demonology

by Frederick Leahy

price Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $9.00.
Avg. Rating


A lucid, biblical review of Christian teaching on such issues as the existence and activity of Satan, demon-possession and the occult. 200pp.


Preaching Christ

The Heart of Gospel Ministry

by Charles P. McIlvaine

price Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $7.20.


In this address to those entering the ministry, Bishop Charles P. McIlvaine leaves no doubt about ‘The Heart of Gospel Ministry’. 96pp.

The Ministry

The Ministry

Addresses to Students of Divinity

by Charles Brown

price Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $8.10.


A statement of what Brown saw as the essence of gospel ministry— preaching with the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven. 128pp.

Let Us Make Man
price Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.80.
Avg. Rating


Demonstrates how the biblical teaching on man serves as a gateway into the entire Christian message. 168pp.

Book Cover for 'A Handful of Pebbles'

A Handful of Pebbles

Theological Liberalism and the Church

by Peter Barnes

price Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $9.00.


Theological Liberalism and the Church traces the origin and development of theological liberalism and how dangerous it is to the church. 96pp.


The Glorious Body Of Christ

A Scriptural Appreciation of the One Holy Church

by R. B. Kuiper

price Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $17.10.


The church and her Antiquity and Perpetuity, Unity, Holiness, Apostolicity, Membership, Truth, Preaching, Evangelism, Worship, etc. 384pp.

price Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.80.


Book Description Una de las organizaciones fundadas por Charles Spurgeon fue el Pastor’s College (1856), que después adoptaría el nombre de Spurgeon College. Fue alli donde en 1865 inició unas conferencias anuales para pastores, doce de las cuales componen este libro. Spurgeon fue un evangelista que llevó a miles de personas a los pies del […]


Sencillez En La Predicación

Simplicity in Preaching

by J. C. Ryle

price Original price was: $4.00.Current price is: $3.60.


Book Description ¿Qué recomienda usted por lo que se refiere a la predicación?’ es una pregunta que suele hacerse con frecuencia y que puede responderse de diversas maneras. Siempre hay mucho que aprender en este asunto, y existen muchos libros que nos pueden ayudar a lograrlo. Pero, independientemente del resto de cosas que lea el […]

Book Cover for 'An Earnest Ministry'

An Earnest Ministry

The Want of the Times

by John Angell James

price Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $18.00.


The abiding impressiveness of James’ classic on the Christian ministry lies largely in the manner in which he presents one simple idea: ‘it is feeling which gives power to words and thoughts.’ 296pp.

price Original price was: $2.00.Current price is: $1.80.


Highlights the weaknesses of contemporary preaching and suggests ways to overcome them. 32pp.

Showing 37–48 of 75 results