Troubled Journey

A Missionary Childhood in War-Torn China

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182 in stock

Weight 0.4 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.4 × 0.4 in
ISBN 9780851518787



Missionary Biography, Missions, 20th century

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Nov 1, 2004

Page Count




Book Description

Faith Cook shares her first-hand story of the trials faced by a child of missionary parents living in China during the turbulent period of the Second World War and the subsequent Communist takeover. While much has been written about the heroic achievements and sacrifices of many Christian missionaries to China, Troubled Journey introduces us to a side of the story that has rarely, if ever, been told. Many young people today have known much emotional deprivation early in life. This story of childhood in a war-torn country may well help them to reconcile their painful experiences with God’s loving kindness and his purposes of grace for them. It may indeed encourage all who read it to appreciate in a new way the care and mercy of God, overruling even the tragedies of life and turning them to good for his people.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Maps viii
Preface ix
1 In Love with a Photograph 1
2 The Missionary Call: A High Price to Pay 16
3 Life and Work on a Mission Station 25
4 Escaping the Japanese 31
5 A School in Exile 41
6 In Trouble with Rats 52
7 A Family Together 58
8 At School in the Mountains 65
9 Into the Unknown 77
10 Two Pink Sugar Mice 88
11 Postal Parents 99
12 And Afterwards 110
Bibliography 118


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  1. Allan Jones

    I enjoyed and was moved by this book; it brought out the bigger picture of the family realities of those who served with the China Inland Mission from the perspective of a child who lived through that era. Much of the literature on C.I.M. concentrates on the service, joys and tribulations of the missionaries or their congregations. This book shows that the children also had very different lives and challenges, including the isolation from parents in boarding schools.

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