History of the English Calvinistic Baptists 1791-1892

From John Gill to C.H. Spurgeon

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500 in stock

Weight 1.38 lbs
Dimensions 8.8 × 5.75 × 1.1 in
ISBN 9780851519203



18th Century, 19th Century, General History

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Mar 1, 2006

Page Count





‘A masterful book.’ — DR. MICHAEL A.G. HAYKIN

‘…A fine piece of work, which I greatly enjoyed reading.’ — DAVID P. KINGDON

Book Description

The aim of History of the English Calvinistic Baptist 1791-1892 is to trace the story of the English Calvinistic Baptists from the death of John Gill in 1771 to that of Charles Haddon Spurgeon in 1892. It deals not only with the well-known figures in this community’s history- theological giants like John Gill, Andrew Fuller, William Gadsby, and Charles Spurgeon- but also with lesser-known lights-men like the hymn writer Benjamin Beddome, the eccentric John Collett Ryland, Abraham Booth, and John Stevens. Wide and deep reading in the writings of these men has given Dr. Robert Oliver an excellent grasp of their various theological perspectives.

No Christian community is without its controversies and the Calvinistic Baptists in the period covered by this book are no exception. Even-handedly and with one eye always on the Calvinistic Baptist roots in the seventeenth century- well summed up by The Second London Confession of Faith– the author details the controversies that at times wracked this community. Who may take the Lord’s Supper? What is the role of the law in the Christian life? Is there biblical warrant for making free offers of the gospel to all and sundry? None of these issues are minor matters and should not be ignored by Christians today. The thinking of these Baptist worthies is therefore still of great value.

Unlike some contemporary historians, Robert Oliver is rightly convinced that the development of the Strict and Particular strand of this community in the nineteenth century is not a stagnant backwater that is best forgotten. Even though the churches of this persuasion were not as balanced as their seventeenth and eighteenth-century forebears, there was a spiritual vitality to this group that needs remembering and Oliver has given us a rich overview of the thought and activities of these English Calvinistic Baptists.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Introduction 1
1 The Legacy of John Gill 8
2 Blessing in the Cotswolds 21
3 Three Leaders 35
4 The Communion Controversy 1772 – 1781 64
5 The Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation 96
6 Antinomianism 121
7 William Huntington’s Controversy with the Particular Baptists 142
8 Andrew Fuller and Abraham Booth 157
9 William Gadsby 182
10 John Stevens 211
11 Moves Towards Open Communion 241
12 The Beginning of the Strict Baptist Magazines 273
13 Joseph Charles Philpot 302
14 Organizations 329
15 Charles Haddon Spurgeon 353
Appendix A 372
Appendix B 376
Bibliography 377
Index of Names 405
Index of Places 413
Index of Subjects 418



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