Voices from the Past Volume 2

Puritan Devotional Readings

Weight 1.25 lbs
Dimensions 8.75 × 5.6 × 1.13 in
ISBN 9781848717275

Cloth-bound, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Cloth-bound & eBook (ePub & Kindle)


Christian Living

Banner Pub Date

Dec 9, 2017

Page Count





Voices From the Past

Book Description

Richard Rushing has compiled a further 365 daily devotional readings to take you through the year with the Puritans. Building on Voices from the Past (volume 1), Voices From the Past 2 is an additional treasury of wisdom from such authors as Stephen Charnock, Thomas Manton, David Clarkson, Thomas Brooks, John Bunyan, and Jonathan Edwards, and others.

The editor has painstakingly selected these readings from their sources, some of which are still widely available in print, others of which are more scarce. Readers will find these choice extracts to be excellent ‘thoughts for the day’, and will frequently find themselves wanting to explore more of the writings of these authors of the past.



Submit your testimonial

  1. jan

    Volume 2 is on my Wishlist, but I can’t say enough about Volume 1. I’ve read it over and over and shared it with family and friends. It is on my Top 10 Puritan books. So excited for Volume 2!

  2. Kathy Bungard

    Absolutely the best devotional we’ve ever had at our table. We read the first one repeatedly and sent as gifts to others and they tell us they bought more to send as gifts themselves. O Happy Day, Volume 2 is finally coming!

  3. Peggi

    I am so anxious for another book with more wonderful and encouraging teachings. I want to give it as a present, as it is such a blessing to give a gift that will be a spiritual encouragement.

  4. Thomas

    Volume 1 is pretty much the best Puritan overview I’ve ever read, per the quality of excerpts that were chosen. So I am incredibly excited that there will be a volume 2. With such a wealth of Puritan writing to choose from, I sincerely hope that Banner of Truth makes this an ongoing series.

  5. Larry

    I am so impressed with Volume 1 of Voices from the past and currently on the third reading of this timeless treasure. I’ve given away five copies so far. I keep checking to see if volume 2 is available.

  6. Richard Youngman

    Richard Rushing has and is, from my experience, a Modern Day Puritan. Whether you see ‘eye-to-eye’ with him on every issue of GOD’S Word or not, the one thing I have come to believe of him, is his unwavering INTEGRITY. His relationship with God, Son, and The Word are the most precious Jewels to be found in his crown; Next, are his families, & friends. Very disciplined ,insightful and learned; And a man with a heart very tender. Oh, and he has a great sense of humor also.
    I have read his first edition of ( Voices from the Past) faithfully from day one, and each time I see more gems and insights, as the words of the Puritans feed my soul and relationship with Jesus more and more. As it stands with my reading now, it is Gods’ Word, Voices from the Past, and Pilgrims Progress.

  7. John Tindall

    I am truly enjoying and profiting from this volume. I’m using it morning by morning in my devotional exercises. February is taking me back each day to John Owen’s volume 2. I downloaded the book onto m,y Kindle from BoT website. Thank you to the author for the research and work that has gone into this book and to BoT for publishing it.

  8. George Curry

    Like volume 1, an excellent volume that provides spiritual challenge and nourishment in bite size each day. A must have book.

  9. Bart Carlson

    Like many, I have been richly blessed reading the writings of various Puritans (e.g., Owen, Manton, Flavel, Watson). They truly are physicians of the soul. Richard Rushing has done an outstanding job, condensing and skimming off the cream from some of their writings and serving them up in single-serving-sized devotionals without losing the flavor or nutrition of the original writings. I have been fed, convicted, encouraged and driven back to some volumes to read the original sermons. These are devotionals well worth reading.

  10. Randy Hicks

    I read it every day. It helps to keep me balanced in my daily walk, very balanced.

  11. Gerry

    I have, by Gods Grace alone, read mostly Puritan authors since The Spirit led me to read Lloyd-Jones’ introduction to them some 20 years or so ago. The depth, practicality and blessing of God in their writings has been a constant source of help and direction in my walk and communion with God, second only to reading and praying and meditation over the Word itself.

    When I found Richard Rushing’s abridgment of Owen’s writings it sparked an interest in his “Voices From The Past”, and so I ordered a copy of both volumes when I read that it was arranged in a devotional format as I had read some of Spurgeon’s daily devotional writings but sought something more.

    When I received both copies, I opened them to the page for the date on which I the arrived, and began to read. I was spell bound by the wisdom and insight and beauty of the truths opened from the very first page; so much so that I found myself turning page after page, drinking it in, and all this from a Puritan author who I had never heard of before.

    “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!”

    It occurred to me then to share with others this blessing from “voices from the past”, for “God is not the God of the dead, but of the living”, and these my brothers, “though dead, yet speak”.

    And thank you, Richard, and Banner of Truth, for bringing these good brothers works before us.

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