Through the Year With William Still

A Book of Daily Bible Readings

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Weight 1.22 lbs
Dimensions 8.8 × 5.75 × 1.05 in
ISBN 9780851519418



Life Issues, Spiritual Growth

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jun 1, 2006

Page Count



Whole Bible




‘William Still seemed to live in the Bible. Convinced that it takes a whole bible to make a whole Christian’, he preached his way through it several times, and in addition wrote notes on every chapter for his congregation. David Searle, the editor of Through the Year with William Still has served us all well by this selection from these daily Bible Reading notes. Here is a contagious love for God’s Word distilled in thought-provoking instruction, practical wisdom, and spiritual pleasure for each day of the year.’ — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON

Book Description

Drawn from every book in the Bible, this selection, edited and arranged by David C. Searle, will take the reader through the year with William Still. These pages will explain what it means to live under the authority of Scripture, to exalt the glorious Person of Christ, and to rejoice in the wonder of the gospel.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

JANUARY 1-31 Genesis 1
FEBRUARY 1-6 Exodus 38
7-12 Leviticus 45
13-16 Numbers 51
17-26 Deuteronomy 55
27-28 Joshua 65
MARCH 1-3 Joshua 68
4-8 Judges 71
9 Ruth 76
10-16 I & 2 Samuel 78
17-19 1&2 Kings 86
20-22 I & 2 Chronicles 89
23-24 Ezra 92
25-29 Nehemiah 94
30 Esther 99
31 Job 100
APRIL 1-13 Job 102
14-27 Psalms 116
28 Proverbs 132
29-31 Ecclesiastes 133
MAY 1-8 Isaiah 136
9-15 Jeremiah 143
16 Lamentations 152
17-20 Ezekiel 153
21-23 Daniel 158
24 Hosea 161
25 Joel 162
26-29 Amos 163
30 Obadiah 167
31 Jonah 168
JUNE 1-3 Jonah 170
4-5 Micah 172
6-7 Nahum 174
8-9 Habakkuk 176
10 Zephaniah 178
JUNE 11 Haggai 179
12-16 Zechariah 180
17 Malachi 185
18-27 Matthew 186
28-30 Mark 195
JULY 1-6 Mark 198
7-21 Luke 204
22-31 John 217
AUGUST 1-10 John 226
11-21 Acts 234
22-31 Romans 244
SEPTEMBER 1-8 I & 2 Corinthians 253
9-14 Galatians 260
15-22 Ephesians 265
23-29 Philippians 271
30 Colossians 276
OCTOBER 1-4 Colossians 278
5-10 I&2 Thessalonians 281
11-19 1&2 Timothy 286
20-21 Titus 296
22-23 Philemon 298
24-28 Hebrews 300
29-31 James 305
NOVEMBER 1-9 James 309
10-13 1&2 Peter 316
14-17 1, 2 & 3 John 320
18-30 Revelation 324
DECEMBER 1-23 Revelation 337
24 Exodus 363
25 Galatians 364
26-27 Song of Solomon 365
28-31 Revelation 367
New Year 1 Peter 372
Wedding Day 1 Peter 373
Anniversary Jude 374
Bereavement 1 Corinthians 374
Leap Year Psalm 130 376




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