Following Jesus
The Essentials of Christian Discipleship
Weight | .8 lbs |
Dimensions | 8.5 × 5.4 × .65 in |
ISBN | 9781848718241 |
Binding | Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle) |
Topic | Spiritual Growth, Christian Living |
Banner Pub Date | Nov 29, 2018 |
Page Count | 248 |
Format | Book |
‘Standing in the great tradition of preachers who were once lawyers, Andrew Randall skilfully unfolds from Scripture ‘the truth . . . and nothing but the truth’ about what it means to be a Christian. Fresh and compelling, shrewd and honest, winsome and reliable, Following Jesus is exactly the kind of book every young Christian should read, while at the same time it offers a wonderful review course for seasoned disciples. Read it on your own, or with others; discuss it in house groups; give it away to help a friend. It should lead you to the clear ‘verdict’–that you want to follow Jesus for the rest of your life!’ — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON
Book Description
Joy and fruitfulness in faith do not depend on flashes of genius but on getting the basics right most of the time.
Following Jesus focuses attention on the basics of Christian discipleship, and covers the following vitally important themes: faith, the Bible, the church, prayer, the Holy Spirit, holiness, growth in grace, guidance, loving others, parenting children, evangelism, work, stewardship, suffering, and perseverance.
The chapters have been written to help new followers of Jesus lay solid foundations for a healthy and rich Christian life. They also provide a refresher course in what it means to be a disciple for those who have been following Jesus for many years.
Table of Contents Expand ↓
1 | FOLLOWING JESUS AT HIS CALL: The Essentials of Faith (Mark 1:14-22) | 1 |
2 | FOLLOWING JESUS BY THE BOOK: The Essentials of the Bible (2 Timothy 3:10–4:5) | 11 |
3 | FOLLOWING JESUS IN COMMUNITY: The Essentials of Church (Ephesians 2:11-22) | 27 |
4 | FOLLOWING JESUS IN CONVERSATION: The Essentials of Prayer (Philippians 4:6) | 43 |
5 | FOLLOWING JESUS BY HIS POWER: The Essentials of the Holy Spirit (John 16:1-15) | 59 |
6 | FOLLOWING JESUS IN EVERYTHING: The Essentials of Holiness (1 Peter 1:13-25) | 73 |
7 | FOLLOWING JESUS MORE AND MORE: The Essentials of Growth (Ephesians 4:11-24) | 89 |
8 | FOLLOWING JESUS IN OUR CHOICES: The Essentials of Guidance (1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 and Romans 12:1-2) | 99 |
9 | FOLLOWING JESUS IN OUR LOVE FOR OTHERS: The Essentials of Relationships (1 Corinthians 6:9–7:5) | 113 |
10 | FOLLOWING JESUS THROUGH THE GENERATIONS: The Essentials of Parenting (Ephesians 6:1-4) | 127 |
11 | FOLLOWING JESUS IN HIS WORLD: The Essentials of Evangelism (1 Corinthians 9:12-23) | 139 |
12 | FOLLOWING JESUS EVERY DAY: The Essentials of Work (Ephesians 6:5-9) | 151 |
13 | FOLLOWING JESUS WITH ALL WE HAVE: The Essentials of Stewardship (1 Timothy 6:6-19) | 165 |
14 | FOLLOWING JESUS WHEN IT HURTS: The Essentials of Suffering (1 Peter 1:3-12) | 177 |
15 | FOLLOWING JESUS ALWAYS: The Essentials of Perseverance (Romans 8:28-39 and 2 Peter 1:1-15) | 191 |
APPENDIX 1: | Marriage – What’s Faith Got To Do with It? | 205 |
APPENDIX 2: | Suffering – Where Is God When It Hurts? | 217 |
APPENDIX 3: | Recommendations for Further Reading | 229 |
More items to consider:
Endorsements ‘Standing in the great tradition of preachers who were once lawyers, Andrew Randall skilfully unfolds from Scripture ‘the truth . . . and nothing but the truth’ about what it means to be a Christian. Fresh and compelling, shrewd and honest, winsome and reliable, Following Jesus is exactly the kind of book every young […]
Endorsements ‘Standing in the great tradition of preachers who were once lawyers, Andrew Randall skilfully unfolds from Scripture ‘the truth . . . and nothing but the truth’ about what it means to be a Christian. Fresh and compelling, shrewd and honest, winsome and reliable, Following Jesus is exactly the kind of book every young […]
God's call to sanctification
Endorsements ‘Standing in the great tradition of preachers who were once lawyers, Andrew Randall skilfully unfolds from Scripture ‘the truth . . . and nothing but the truth’ about what it means to be a Christian. Fresh and compelling, shrewd and honest, winsome and reliable, Following Jesus is exactly the kind of book every young […]
Chrys Jones –
Discipleship is a word that matters to every Christian. Jesus’ great commission is for us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). But how? For two thousand years, Christians godly men and women have taken the time to teach and walk with other believers in their walk with God. Following Jesus: The Essentials of Christian Discipleship by Andrew Randall may be just the spark you’ve needed to light the fire of discipleship in your life and the life of your local church.
Randall wrote Following Jesus with these three convictions in mind:
Love for Christ should shape our lives
Theology Matters
The gospel we have come to believe is the truth about everything
What topics come to mind when you envision discipleship? Bible reading? Prayer? Parenting? Work? Following Jesus concisely discusses each of these areas—and many more—with those three convictions and practical application seen throughout. Randall understands that we live in the real world, and brings seemingly ivory tower theology to the coffee shops and front porches of believers everywhere.
In his chapter on following Jesus in our choices, for example, he takes the theology of the sufficiency of Scripture and brings down to ground level when he says, “…the specific commands of the Bible are a hugely important starting-point as we consider the guidance of God. God has guided us. If we ignore the guidance he has provided, it is not reasonable to guide us further” (p. 102). We don’t need to pray about whether we should cheat on our taxes or walk out on our families because God has already spoken about such matters. Even in the gray areas, we are free to make decisions based upon God’s revealed Word without seeking mystical signs or new revelation.
Whether it’s an intense season of suffering or a time to seek renewed vigor in prayer, Following Jesus has some quick-hitting advice for you and the people you’re discipling. If you’re a pastor, church leader, or just someone passionate about discipleship, Following Jesus will be a great book to get into the hands of the believers around you—especially those who haven’t seen much discipleship. If you’re a disciple-maker (aren’t we all?) in need of a good resource, consider this one!
*I received a free copy of this book from Banner of Truth. I was not required to leave a positive review.