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A Short Biography of Mark Johnston

Category Articles
Date June 27, 2014

The Banner had the opportunity to sit down with Mark Johnston and ask him to tell us a little bit about his past. A Banner author of three titles , Let’s Study Colossians and Philemon, Let’s Study 2 Peter and Jude, and Let’s Study John , Mark shared with us his upbringing as a child of the manse, his transatlantic journey to seminary, and how the Lord used him as a church planter in his homeland of Northern Ireland.

3 Mark Johnston Books on Sale

Three Mark Johnston titles from the Let’s Study Series are on sale through the month of July. Use the coupon marksbooks2014 to save 30% off of your purchase.


What is ‘The Let’s Study Series’?

The three books featured above are part of a series of books which explain and apply the message of Scripture. The series is designed to meet a specific and important need in the church. While not technical commentaries, the volumes comment on the text of a biblical book; and, without being merely lists of practical applications, they are concerned with the ways in which the teaching of Scripture can affect and transform our lives today. Understanding the Bible’s message and applying its teaching are the aims.

Like other volumes in the series, the three books above by Mark Johnston seek to combine explanation and application. Their concern is to be helpful to ordinary Christian people by encouraging them to understand the message of the Bible and apply it to their own lives. The reader in view is not the person who is interested in all the detailed questions which fascinate the scholar, although behind the writing of each study lies an appreciation for careful and detailed scholarship. The aim is exposition of Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside you with an open Bible.

In order to make these studies more useful, not only for individual use but also for group study in Sunday School classes and home, church, or college, study material will be found at the back of each book. Sometimes we come away frustrated rather than helped by group discussions. Frequently that is because we have been encouraged to discuss a passage of Scripture which we do not understand very well in the first place. Understanding must always be the foundation for enriching discussion and for thoughtful, practical application. Thus, in addition to the exposition of the letters, the study material provides questions to encourage personal thought and study, or to be used as discussion starters.

View the entire series in our bookstore.

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