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Why Attend the Banner West Coast Ministers’ Conference?

Category Announcements
Date September 14, 2023

Banner of Truth West Coast Ministers' Conference

‘The fellowship, the singing, the making of new friends . . . and especially the ministry of the Spirit to my own heart – all have made my annual trips to the Banner a time of spiritual oasis.’
– John Van Voorhis

The Banner of Truth has been organizing ministers’ conferences for over 60 years – and now enables ministers to meet on three continents.

Why is the Banner committed to conferences and what makes a Banner Ministers’ Conference special?

The short answer is that the Banner is focused on, and committed to, the ministry of the Word. However, rather than take their word for it, here are the reasons you should go in the words of the people who have been:

‘In the first year of my ministry, one of the ruling elders of the church took me aside and said “Peter, what you really need to do as part of your ministry, part of your rest and refreshment, you need to go to the Banner of Truth Conference.”’ —Peter

‘So, for me the most memorable time – certainly I’m thankful for the preaching, the prayer, the singing that takes place . . . but the thing that probably I carry with me more is the fellowship and friendship.’ —Vernon

‘The thing that is unexpected for me is that the fellowship with the other men that go has been as encouraging as the preaching of those men . . . it’s not huge, it’s a smaller conference, and you actually get to know people.’ —Peter

‘A time to be refreshed, challenged, a pause in ministry in which to have time and encouragement to search my heart and motives, to spend time with brothers of like faith and calling, it has unfailingly been a blessing.’ —Jeff

What’s different for first-timers?

‘First-time Banner attendees get a special book room tour led by a Banner of Truth Trustee . . . he would go from favorite volume to favorite volume tell you why it was influential in his ministry . . . then you get these crazy deals.’ —Peter

‘I’ve always wanted to go but then this past year I was part of an internship and the pastor I was under said, “You have to go.” So, no excuses now. I think it will be a great experience – on the one hand just having good preaching, good fellowship, the opportunity to meet people in the broader church – I think it will be invaluable in terms of experience and refreshment not only for what I do now as an intern but also looking forward to being a pastor.’ —Ethan

‘[I] hope to really meet other fellow ministers that have the same faith and maybe share some of our struggles . . . and learn from their struggles as well.’ —Rodrigo

The Banner makes it easy – and worthwhile.

The Banner Ministers’ Conference puts you in a relaxed setting where it’s safe to share. One of the cool things about it is that everyone is together on one site for meetings, food, and accommodation.

To enable this, the Banner does the heavy lifting for you – no tracking down nearby hotels with affordable rates, finding a restaurant with space at mealtimes, or struggling through traffic each day – you just book the conference and get there on day one. Included in your price is the conference fee, all accommodation, food, refreshments, and snacks. Taking the stress out of attending means you can concentrate on being ministered to from the Word, find new friends, and be equipped for a new season of ministering to your people.

‘Truly a refreshment to the pastor’s heart and mind that is sorely needed when ministering in the present times in which we live.’ —Brian

‘It’s very easy in ministry to get focused on the urgent, the burning, the pressing need – what the Banner does for me is it makes me step back from that and look at things that are bigger, to be convinced and encouraged again about things that are eternal.’ —Peter

‘The following year’s Banner of Truth Conference date . . . is the first I put on the next year’s calendar.’ —Don

‘The benefit of a Banner Conference is not only when one attends, but long term, when the thrill of the fellowship and corporate worship has passed.’ —Irfon

There’s still time to book for October 10th in Ramona, CA! Click here to get registered.

(With thanks to Peter VanDoodewaard, Vernon Shoaf, Jeff Kingswood, Ethan Bolyard, Rodrigo Brotto, Brian J. Mann, Don White, and Irfon Hughes.)

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