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Here’s What You Said About Jonathan Edwards

Category Announcements
Date February 10, 2015

Have you ever read Jonathan Edwards for yourself? Maybe you have read about him, or heard about him in a sermon, but have never delved into his writings. Or perhaps you are well acquainted with the writings of Edwards, but it has been a while since you last read one of his books. Whatever your position, here are four titles for you to consider reading:


Not sure if reading Edwards is for you? Have a look below at the testimonials we have received from Banner e-newsletter subscribers, on how the writings of Edwards changed their lives.

Testimonial from John H. Van Voorhis:

Many years ago I read the fascinating biography, Marriage to a Difficult Man, which I thought was a very interesting peek into the private life of Edwards and his family. I had already been somewhat familiar with Edwards because of my interest in church history, and subsequently I have enjoyed shorter biographical writings of his life, ending with George Marsden’s magisterial work. Having always been focused on the subject of revival since my youth, I have of course benefited tremendously from Edwards’ assessment of the First Great Awakening and of the subject in general, including, of course, his Religious Affections.1

It is quite amazing to me that after growing up as the only son in a family of ten towering daughters, he could have accomplished so much in his relatively short life. In 1991 I was privileged to be part of a tour group which was allowed to sit in the Beineke Library at Yale University and physically handle some of the actual writings of Edwards, some written on scraps of paper such as the backs of old wallpaper, envelopes, etc. I felt like I was handling sacred documents. What a special time that was!

On a concluding personal note, I sat with my dying wife in the fall of 2009 as we read together the last chapter of Charity and Its Fruits,2 entitled Heaven – A World of Love.3 I consider that one of the most precious chapters, apart from Scripture, that I have ever read. I recommend it highly to all who are facing, either for themselves or the lives of others, the end of this life and the glory of the life to come. It would be difficult for me to understand why any serious minded believer would not wish to delve into the riches of the life and works of Jonathan Edwards. He was truly one of God’s great gifts to America and the world.

Testimonial from David J. Harris:

In a Christianity where brevity is valued over depth, where conciseness is preferred above clarity, where relevance is no longer pursued in the realities of Scripture, where the majority of best sellers could be digested by [eleven year old children], one must answer the question, “What has happened to theology in America?”

We have lost touch with our roots. In our search of “better, relevant, realistic” theology, what was best, most relevant, and most true has slipped from our hands.

Enter Jonathan Edwards. His writings call us back to what we so desperately need: a deep, rich, painstakingly thoughtful look at the certainties of truth found in the sacred Word of God.

These priceless treasures have not been lost. We have access to them. And when a believer chooses to read Edwards, he reaches back to something that will change his life forever.

I encourage you to not miss out: read the works of Jonathan Edwards. You will be grateful for every second you invest.

Testimonial from David D. Edgington:

I first started reading Jonathan Edwards in the early 90’s. It completely revolutionized not only my life, but also my ministry. I could write out a long list of all of his works of his that I have read. Edwards was the first to clearly explain not only the doctrines of grace to me, but also to show the “sweetness” of God’s sovereignty.

In my opinion, The Religious Affections5 is the greatest book ever written outside of the Bible itself; I have read it seven times. I did my Doctoral Dissertation on the Gracious Affections. Edwards’ book is so thorough and clear and biblical and God-glorifying that in my mind nothing even comes close to it in all of the writings before or since. It tames Charismatic excess (“Enthusiasts”), but also goes far further than nearly all Reformed Christians are willing to think or permit. It is stretching, yet thoroughly biblical. If Edwards was Pastor of the typical Reformed church today, he would be fired. Edwards is without a doubt, the most influential theologian in my life.

Testimonial from Dana Naya:

Reading Edwards is convicting. At times bringing fear (Jude 23), at other times making me feel that it is possible to be powerful for the Glory of God. Reading Edward brings us to believe that you can be extremely intellectual, appealing to the mind, all the while aiming at the heart. This is where life change happens: in the heart. Edwards has brought me to my knees in Jesus Christ’s presence. I thank God for this man’s disciplined life.

There will be more like Jonathan Edwards – this is my hope for the Church.

Testimonial from Jonathan Simone Benatti:

My first encounter with Jonathan Edwards was at the age of seventeen – I read the Diary and Journal of David Brainerd.4

It was a very moving and precious book, a sort of entrance to the works of Edwards. Afterward I bought The Works of Edwards (in two volumes) and started to read the sermons and the theological treatises.

I read also the biography by Mardsen and the work of Robert Jenson on Edwards’ theology.

I’m very grateful for this encounter with Jonathan Edwards, truly one of the greatest theologians of the Protestant Christendom and one of the most brilliant minds of his century, if not of American history. But I’m also grateful for his passion for God, his deeply commitment to His Word and for being one of the few theologians capable of combining faith and reason, ethics and intellect, spiritual gifts and scholarship. I would suggest any Christian interested in deepening his theological background with sound theology to read Edwards, along with the great theologians of the Reformed traditions (Calvin, Turrettin, C. Hodge, Bavinck, Berkhof): Far from being an exercise in studying a tradition, as Michael Horton as recently suggested, it is a path for pilgrims who live Coram Deo, and Soli Deo Gloria.

Testimonial from Nathan North:

I heard of Edwards through listening to D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ preaching. I saw a second hand copy of Edwards’ treatise on the religious affections in a book store and purchased it. I found him difficult to read at first – it took several months for me to read – but that book changed my life. My religious life more specifically. It gave me a sense of what real Christianity is; it brought a frightening (to put it honestly) sense of reality to my own walk with the Lord, showing how we may be so easily self deceived. He also brought a great peace to my mind, showing me how to deal with some of the things we see in today’s modern church, particularly the Pentecostal.

I believe anyone who reads Edwards honestly with a willing spirit, will find he will keep your feet firmly planted in the real and most importantly in the Word.

I have read much off his other works now in the last 5 years, and have found him a great help. I thank God for him.

Testimonial from David Burke:

There’s much to like about Edwards including a sharpness and depth of mind; pastoral courage and personal godliness.

I especially like his treatment of religious affections. In his day (and ours) there is a danger of polarising between a faith that is all head and no heart, or all heart and no head. The first results in sterile orthodoxy or unprofitable knowledge. The second easily descends to unguided emotions and feelings.

Edward’s examination of the heart and discussion of the affections that lie deeper than feelings and emotions is a great both / and between head and heart. As one whose formative years were spent in a modernist environment and who is suspicious of unregulated emotions and feelings, I appreciate the emphasis on deep affections and am round out by it.

Testimonial from Fred Yocum:

In 1999 I read a compilation of sermons by Jonathan Edwards titled On Knowing Christ. This was a watershed experience for me. At this point I, like many others, knew Edwards largely based on “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” a sermon which he delivered at Enfield, CT on July 8, 1741. That one was in there, but so were nine others. My Reformed convictions resonated with much of what he wrote, but I also found that his thinking took me to ideas way beyond anything that I had thought of. During the 1990’s I read John Piper’s God’s Passion for His Glory. In this book Piper writes about his own journey with Edwards’s writings. The last section of the book is Edwards’s The Purpose for which God Created the World. This work by Edwards is generally regarded as a good opening exposure to his writings. Another work in this category is Charity and Its Fruits. This book alerted me to God’s glory as a passion of Edwards. It turns out that this is a much more common theme of Edwards than hell and brimstone. I have been very interested in the various facets of God’s glory ever since.

After reading God’s Passion for His Glory, I started to read Edwards regularly. I read Freedom of the Will, Religious Affections, Charity and Its Fruits and True Virtue. I was particularly blessed by The Life and Diary of David Brainerd. Since 2009 I have made it a point to read an Edwards work each year. One particular thought from Edwards that was very helpful to me involves rewards for believers in the afterlife. I’m aware of the Scriptural basis for this and have argued against those who claim that there is none but have also felt that it didn’t make sense since eternal life with Christ is such a tremendous gift compared to the wrath that we deserve. Edwards pointed out that I’ve been looking at the wrong person. It’s not about my inadequacy (as complete as that is); it’s about the sufficiency of Christ to merit not just believers with him for eternity but rewards for them as well.

Edwards’ writings have many gems…..

Testimonial from Jean-Marc Alter:

Jonathan Edwards’ sermons at the end of volume two of his two volume works, in particular are a great blessing. They are doctrinal, well thought out, applicatory, warm, searching and above all take us to the cross of the Lord Jesus. After reading them prayer comes naturally, and with great zeal.

Testimonial from Faith McIntosh:

Reading Jonathan Edwards has helped me be a whole Christian. He highlighted the need to marry together reason and affections to appreciate fully how wonderful and deep the Christian life can be. In a modern culture that often insists we as Christians are one extreme or the other (emotional or emotionless) Edwards has often made me realise Christianity requires me to use the whole of my being; my reason and intellect, and my affections and emotions. One affects the other and in many respects they are interdependent. The things I know and understand affect my heart, the things I feel must be guided and guarded by my reason.


    • price Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $17.10.


      Have you ever read Jonathan Edwards for yourself? Maybe you have read about him, or heard about him in a sermon, but have never delved into his writings. Or perhaps you are well acquainted with the writings of Edwards, but it has been a while since you last read one of his books. Whatever your […]

    • Heaven by Jonathan Edwards


      A World of Love

      by Jonathan Edwards

      price From: $3.00
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      Have you ever read Jonathan Edwards for yourself? Maybe you have read about him, or heard about him in a sermon, but have never delved into his writings. Or perhaps you are well acquainted with the writings of Edwards, but it has been a while since you last read one of his books. Whatever your […]

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