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Resources by Feddes, David

For 16 years David Feddes has preached each week on the Back to God Hour, the radio ministry of the Christian Reformed Church. He followed Peter Eldersveld and Joel Nederhood, two splendid preachers. We heard them both with great profit, and also David. This is the opening of his final Back to God Hour message. […]

Category Articles
Date April 3, 2007

CHRISTIANITY AND EDUCATION The early Christians believed in basic teaching for every church member, whether a child or a new convertby David Feddes Jesus and most of his early followers were Jewish. Many Jewish families emphasized education and wanted their sons to learn a trade in order to earn a living, as well as learning […]

Category Articles
Date August 13, 2002

Maybe you have no idea what daily worship involves. Maybe it’s never been part of your life, and no one has ever explained it to you or modeled it for you. Let me describe my own involvement in daily worship. When I was growing up, my parents led us in daily family worship. Before breakfast […]

Category Articles
Date March 1, 2001