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Author Index

  1. A

    1. Aaron, John
    2. Adams, Jim
    3. Alderson, Richard
    4. Alexander, Archibald
    5. Alexander, Eric J.
    6. Alexander, J.A.
    7. Alexander, J.W.
    8. Alleine, Joseph
    9. Allen, Lewis
    10. Arthur, J. Philip
    11. Atherstone, Andrew
  2. B

    1. Baird, Henry Martyn
    2. Baker, William
    3. Bakker, Frans
    4. Bannerman, James
    5. Barnes, Peter
    6. Bavinck, Herman
    7. Baxter, Richard
    8. Beeke, Joel
    9. Beeley, Ray
    10. Bennett, Arthur
    11. Bennett, Richard
    12. Benton, John
    13. Berghoef, Gerard
    14. Berkhof, Louis
    15. Bethune, George
    16. Binning, Hugh
    17. Blaikie, William
    18. Blair, William
    19. Blanchard, John
    20. Bolton, Samuel
    21. Bonar, Andrew
    22. Bonar, Horatius
    23. Boonstra, Juan
    24. Boston, Thomas
    25. Brainerd, David
    26. Brentnall, John M.
    27. Bridge, William
    28. Bridges, Charles
    29. Brooks, Thomas
    30. Brown (1722-87), John
    31. Brown (1784-1858), John
    32. Brown, Alison
    33. Brown, Archibald G.
    34. Brown, Charles
    35. Brown, Paul E.
    36. Brown, William
    37. Bruce, Jay
    38. Bruce, Robert
    39. Bucer, Martin
    40. Buchanan, James
    41. Bull, Josiah
    42. Bunyan, John
    43. Burns, Islay
    44. Burns, W.C.
    45. Burroughs, Jeremiah
    46. Byl, John
  3. C

    1. Calhoun, David
    2. Calvin, John
    3. Campbell, David
    4. Candlish, Robert
    5. Carrick, John
    6. Carson, Alexander
    7. Carson, John
    8. Case, Thomas
    9. Cerni, Ricardo
    10. Chalmers, Thomas
    11. Chantry, Walter J.
    12. Charles, Thomas
    13. Charnock, Stephen
    14. Cheeseman, John
    15. Chester, Tim
    16. Clarkson, David
    17. Colquhoun, John
    18. Cook, Faith
    19. Cook, W. John
    20. Crawford, T.J.
    21. Crooks, Rodger
    22. Cruse, Jonathan Landry
    23. Cunningham, William
    24. Cuyler, Theodore
  4. D

    1. Dabney, Robert Lewis
    2. Dallimore, Arnold
    3. D'Aubigné, J.H. Merle
    4. Davenant, John
    5. David McKay
    6. David P. Murray
    7. DeKoster, Lester
    8. deWitt, John R.
    9. Dickson, David
    10. Dodson, Rhett
    11. Donnelly, Edward
  5. E

    1. Edgar, William
    2. Edwards, Jonathan
    3. Edwards, Rob
    4. Ellis, C. & N.
    5. Ellsworth, Roger
    6. Eifion Evans
  6. F

    1. Fairbairn, Patrick
    2. Fausset, A.R.
    3. Fawcett, Arthur
    4. Ferguson, Sinclair
    5. Fish, Henry C.
    6. Flavel, John
    7. Fraser, James
    8. Frawley, Rebecca
    9. Fuller, Andrew
  7. G

    1. Garretson, James M.
    2. Gay, David
    3. Goodwin, Thomas
    4. Green, William Henry
    5. Greenhill, William
    6. Grier, W.J.
    7. Gurnall, William
    8. Guthrie, William
    9. Gwyn-Thomas, John
  8. H

    1. Haldane, Alexander
    2. Haldane, Robert
    3. Hamilton, Ian
    4. Harding, Susan
    5. Harman, Allan
    6. Harrell, William H.
    7. Helm, Paul
    8. Henry, Matthew
    9. Hewison, J. K.
    10. Higgins, Douglas
    11. Hobson, Richard
    12. Hodge, A.A.
    13. Hodge, Charles
    14. Horn, H. J.
    15. Houghton, S.M.
    16. Howard, Donald
    17. Howie, John
    18. Hunt, Bruce
    19. Hurrion, John
  9. J

    1. Jackman, David
    2. Jacomb, Thomas
    3. James, John A.
    4. James, Sharon
    5. James Sievewright
    6. Jeffrey, Peter
    7. Jenkins, Roy Davey
    8. Johnson, Dennis
    9. Johnson, T. C.
    10. Johnson, Terry L.
    11. Johnston, Mark G.
    12. Jones, Hywel R.
    13. Jones, John
    14. Jones, Mark
  10. K

    1. Keddie, John W.
    2. Kelly, Douglas
    3. Kingdon, David
    4. Knecht, Glen
    5. Knox, David Broughton
    6. Knox, John
    7. Krummacher, F.W.
    8. Kuiper, R.B.
  11. L

    1. Law, Henry
    2. Leahy, Frederick
    3. Leone, Sara
    4. Leyshon, David
    5. Lindsay, T.M.
    6. Lloyd-Jones, Bethan
    7. Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn
    8. Loane, Marcus
  12. M

    1. MacDonald, Donald
    2. Machen, J. Gresham
    3. MacKinnon, David B.
    4. MacLeod, John
    5. Macnicol, D. C.
    6. Manton, Thomas
    7. Marshall, John
    8. Martin, A.N.
    9. Martin, Hugh
    10. Martin, Robert P.
    11. Master, Jonathan
    12. McDowell, W.J.
    13. M‘Cheyne, Robert Murray
    14. McIlvaine, Charles
    15. McWilliams, David B.
    16. Media Gratiae
    17. Miller, Graham J.
    18. Miller, Samuel
    19. Milne, Douglas J.W.
    20. Mohler, Al
    21. Montgomery, Jeremiah
    22. Moore, Thomas
    23. Morgan, Edward
    24. Murray, Iain H.
    25. Murray, John
    26. Murray, John J.
  13. N

    1. Nelson, Warren
    2. Newton, George
    3. Newton, John
    4. Nisbet, Alexander
    5. North, Brownlow
  14. O

    1. Oliver, Robert
    2. Olyott, Stuart
    3. Owen, John
  15. P

    1. Palmer, Benjamin Morgan
    2. Palmer, Edwin H.
    3. Paton, John G.
    4. Paton, Margaret
    5. Payne, Jon
    6. Peck, Thomas
    7. Perkins, William
    8. Philip, Robert
    9. Phillips, Richard D.
    10. Phillips, Thomas
    11. Philpot, J.H.
    12. Piggin, Stuart
    13. Pink, A.W.
    14. Piper, John
    15. Plumer, William S.
    16. Pollitt, Herbert J.
    17. Poole, Matthew
    18. Porter, Ebenezer
    19. Potgieter, Pieter
    20. Power, P.B.
    21. Pratt, John H. (Editor)
    22. Prime, Derek
    23. Prime, Samuel
    24. Purves, Jock
  16. R

    1. Ramsey, James
    2. Randall, Andrew M.
    3. Randall, David J.
    4. Ray, Charles
    5. Reed, R.C.
    6. Reisinger, Ernest
    7. Rendle-Short, John
    8. Robert H. Ireland
    9. Robert Macdonald
    10. Roberts, Linleigh J.
    11. Roberts, Maurice
    12. Robertson, O Palmer
    13. Rogers, Richard
    14. Ross, Charles
    15. Ross, Mark
    16. Roxborogh, John
    17. Rushing, Richard
    18. Rutherford, Samuel
    19. Ryle, J.C.
  17. S

    1. Schlehlein, Paul
    2. Scott, Thomas
    3. Searle, David C.
    4. Seaton, Jack
    5. Shaw, Benjamin
    6. Shedd, W.G.T.
    7. Sheehan, Robert
    8. Sibbes, Richard
    9. Smeaton, George
    10. Sprague, William B.
    11. Sproul, R. C.
    12. Spurgeon, Charles Haddon
    13. Spurgeon, Susannah
    14. Still, William
    15. Stonehouse, Ned B.
    16. Stuart, A. Moody
    17. Stuart, Kenneth Moody
    18. Swanson, Andrew
    19. Swinnock, George
  18. T

    1. Tallach, Fraser
    2. Tallach, Isobel
    3. Tallach, John
    4. Tamminga, Doreen
    5. Taylor, Alec
    6. Taylor, Douglas
    7. Tenney, Helen
    8. Thomas, Derek
    9. Thomas, Geoffrey
    10. Thomas, I.D.E.
    11. Thomas, Owen
  19. J

    1. James Henley Thornwell
  20. T

    1. Tracy, Joseph
    2. Traill, Robert
    3. Tyler, Bennet
    4. Tyndale, William
  21. V

    1. Van Dixhoorn, Emily
    2. Van Dixhoorn, Chad
    3. VanDoodewaard, Rebecca
    4. Various
    5. Venema, Cornelis P.
    6. Venn, Henry
    7. Venning, Ralph
    8. Vincent, Thomas
    9. Vos, Catherine
    10. Vos, Geerhardus
  22. W

    1. Walker, Jeremy
    2. Ward, Samuel
    3. Warfield, B.B.
    4. Watson, Thomas
    5. Watts, Isaac
    6. Webber, Daniel
    7. Webster, William
    8. Weeks, Noel
    9. Weir, John
    10. Wells, David
    11. Wells, Tom
    12. Westminster Divines
    13. White, Henry
  23. J

    1. John Whitecross
  24. W

    1. Whitefield, George
    2. Williams, Gary J.
    3. Wilson, Geoffrey
    4. Wilson, Jeffrey E.
    5. Wingate, Ken
    6. Winslow, Octavius
    7. Wolfe, Paul D.
    8. Wright, Iain
  25. Y

    1. Young, Andrew W.
    2. Young, E.J.
  26. Z

    1. Zorn, Ray O.