Yearly Archives: 2016
This ‘splendid work . . . should be read by all exercised Christians’. Rev Murdoch Campbell (whose own books were largely devotional) wrote this assessment of Scottish Theology around the time it was first published. It might seem strange to emphasise that all exercised believers should read this type of book. At first glance, the […]
ReadChurch activity is spread over an ever-widening field today. We have national churches of mixed nature, traditional churches, charismatic groups, house churches, fellowships. Happenings in churches that get into the news are mainly about decline in membership, abandoning principles, adopting ways of the world. There is scarcely any news of multiple conversions, substantial growth or […]
ReadI believe that the Bible is not a metal-tweezered promise box from which we can select our favourite passages and promises at random. I believe that the pulpit is not a stable in which I get to show off my favourite hobby horses to a weary congregation. I believe that the authority of the preacher is […]
ReadThe following are testimonials of how the Banner Magazine has helped people in their spiritual walks. ‘I am now 84, was converted in 1949, and have been a Banner of Truth supporter since the 1960s. I first became acquainted with the work of the Banner when the late Ernie Reisinger spoke at Knox Orthodox Presbyterian […]
Read1On a Sabbath, 12 March 1843, he met his people for the last time. He felt weak, though his hearers were not aware of it. On the followingTuesday, some ministerial duty called him out. Feeling very ill on his way home, he asked a friend to fulfil an engagement for him on the next day; […]
ReadThose who know what it is to say of Christ, ‘I sought Him but I found Him not’, will find much which resonates with their experience in this work by Sibbes; it is taken from volume 6 of Sibbes’ Works. In the early part of the book he deals with Mary’s experience of seeking, and […]
Read1Among Christian men a ‘living epistle’ is rare, as is an able evangelist among Christian ministers. M‘Cheyne was both; and for the benefit of our readers, and to the praise of that grace which made him to differ, we would record a few particulars about one of whom we feel it no presumption to say […]
ReadThese questions and statements are designed to provoke thought in the area of the sovereignty of God in salvation. The responsibility of man is not emphasized here but should be included in a balanced view of salvation. The fact that God is a sovereign and man is responsible to respond to God cannot be denied. […]
ReadThe annual Fellowship Conference of New England, takes place on August 4-6, in Portland, Maine beginning this Thursday. Four preachers are sharing the ministry – Jesse Barrington, Michael Durham, Charles Leiter, and Mack Tomlinson. Philip Neeley, one of the pastors at Providence Chapel in Denton, Texas, will preach on Sunday at a Portland church, Redeeming Grace […]
ReadPAUL, THE HUMAN BEING. 2 Timothy 4:9-15, 19-22. ‘Do your best to come to me quickly, for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is […]
ReadAccording to Romans 1:18-21 everyone born into this world, including you the reader, knows that there is a God. But many people attempt to suppress these thoughts about God. Here Romans says: The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since […]
ReadPastor Boichenko says that in spite of the recent hardening of the authorities’ attitude towards them they are still able actively and openly to serve the Lord in the city. They declined, when invited to do so, to take part in the parade publicly celebrating the first anniversary of the annexation of the Crimea by […]
ReadWatch pastor Rhett Dodson explain why he wrote his book, Every Promise of Your Word, and how he believes it can help you see Christ in the book of Joshua.
ReadIf I can talk you into believing the gospel, then there is someone else who is able to talk you out of believing the gospel of Christ. But if God convinces you, then it is, in fact, a reality which cannot be taken away from you. So, what is the gospel according to the Bible? […]
ReadGeoff Thomas completed his ministry of over fifty years recently in Alfred Place Baptist Church (Independent) in Aberystwyth, and this was one of his final sermons. 2 Timothy 4:6-8 ‘For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight, I […]
ReadAt a recent US Banner Ministers’ Conference we sat down with Dr. Ian Hamilton to ask him about one of his favorite Banner books, and why Christians should consider reading it for themselves. Short Version: Long Version: Only available as an eBook in North America.
ReadWhile our ignorance of Lamentations is to be lamented, it has to be admitted that there are reasons for our failure to get to know the book better. Though it is a book of poetry, closely related in style and theme to the Bible’s Wisdom Literature, it is found among the Major Prophets, and easy […]
ReadThis is sweet language in prayer, when the soul is in a right frame. ‘Lord, I confirm all my former dedications of myself to thee; and may all my covenantings be forever ratified. Or if I did never yet sincerely give myself up to the Lord, I do it now with the greatest solemnity, and from the bottom of my […]
ReadDavid Dickson was one of God’s greatest gifts to the Scottish Church. Born about 1583, he became minister of Irvine, in Ayrshire, in 1618. God very much blessed his ministry there, though Dickson modestly stated that the vintage of Irvine was not equal to the gleanings of Ayr in John Welsh’s time.1 In Dickson’s time, […]
Read‘. . . he was jealous for his God and made atonement for the sins of Israel.’ -Numbers 25:13 ‘Beginning in 1776, adultery was illegal in America. That ended in 2003 with the Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas. That took two hundred and twenty-seven years. From 2003, homosexual marriage continued to be illegal […]
Read‘Do you suppose that these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered this fate?’ -Luke 13:2 In light of the senseless, hate filled, jihadist motivated, Muslim terrorist, cold-blooded murders of forty-nine people last Sunday morning at the homosexual night club in Orlando, it is very possible that believers may ask a […]
ReadThere are ultimately only two voices in the world – the voice of truth and the voice of the lie. We can trace the origin of the great divide back to the Garden of Eden. God is the God of truth and communicated Himself through His Word. The Word created all things, including man in […]
ReadSir Marcus Loane was Primate (Principal Bishop) of the Anglican Church of Australia from 1966 to 1981. Allan Blanch has written an excellent comprehensive life story of Marcus L Loane, well researched and with personal knowledge. Blanch was a student of Loane’s at Moore College. ‘All knowledge is history’ are the provocative opening words of […]
Read‘For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.‘ 2 Corinthians 5:10 Can there be anything more fearful than the prospect of standing before the Lord Jesus Christ and giving a […]
ReadThis title may seem a bit odd, and there would be some good reasons for that, I suppose. Firstly, most people – in the West at least – are likely more concerned about what sort of coffee they might buy than what religion they may choose. And of course most folks simply pick up their […]