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Yearly Archives: 2000

Just before Thanksgiving I had flown to Greenville, South Carolina, to visit my stepmother and to help my father make some adjustments to living alone after she had moved into a nursing home. When my visit was over I left his house with enough time to drive by some of the places where I grew […]

Category Articles
Date December 1, 2000

Charles Woodrow is an American surgeon who has been working for years in Mozambique and now is building a hospital. He also pastors a growing congregation in the vicinity of the church, and writes the following in a recent letter… For the past few months I have felt God’s undertaking in an extraordinary way (for […]

Category Articles
Date December 1, 2000

The following is the current editorial (December 1 & 8, 2000) of the “English Churchman” (1843) and “St. James Chronicle” (1761), and used bypermission:- A correspondent says it would be helpful to know in which direction the “English Churchman” considers “Reform” should have decided to move at its October’s Conference (“Readers Write” 17 November). “Reform” […]

Category Articles
Date December 1, 2000

I was reading recently some words of George Swinnock (a mid seventeenth century Puritan) that seemed (at least to me) to describe twenty-first century evangelical Christianity: “We take the size of sin too low, and short, and wrong, when we measure it by the wrong it doth to ourselves, or our families, or our neighbours, […]

Category Articles
Date December 1, 2000

Dr Jay E. Adams, recently writing of the advantages of a new confession of faith which could deal, for example, with some of the false teaching coming into the Reformed church, mentions, “Aberrations of the faith found in such movements as Sonship should be pointed out and rejected. These movements – both large and small […]

Category Articles
Date December 1, 2000

The Willow Creek Church is in a suburb of Chicago, one of the ten most wealthy and powerful cities in the world. It is a booming educational, medical, cultural, legal and economic centre with a hinterland of 6 million people. It is the ‘Bible button’ of the Mid-West, the city of Moody Bible College, Wheaton […]

Category Articles
Date December 1, 2000

by Dr. O. Palmer Robertson Everybody talks about being “born again.” But what does it mean? What happens if you are born again? How does this idea apply to you? Do YOU need to be born again? These important questions need answers. First, Do YOU need to be born again? If you are like the […]

Category Articles
Date December 1, 2000

How few are the followers of the Lord Jesus with whom we are personally acquainted.Then one day a window is opened upon another life and we are permitted a view of transforming and sustaining grace. So it was when the Times published an obituary of Dr Leigh Ashton (Tuesday, December 19, 2000): “A Life in […]

Category Articles
Date December 1, 2000

When we talk about the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ we begin by pointing out that there was nothing supernatural in the emergence of Jesus from the womb of Mary – what we usually refer to as the ‘birth’ of a baby. The whole process of foetal and embryonic development was again normal. […]

Category Articles
Date December 1, 2000

On September 2 Dr Joel Beeke, Minister of the Netherlands Heritage Reformed Congregation, Grand Rapids, gave three addresses to the Salisbury Conference at Emmanuel Church, Salisbury, England, on the theme, “Calvinism: Doctrinal, Practical, Experimental.” The Conference as chaired by the pastor of the Emmanuel Church, Malcolm Watts. The following report was published in the English […]

Category Articles
Date November 1, 2000

The Forest of Dean is a good base from which to visit sites connected with George Whitefield in Gloucestershire. I took some photographs of the old Bell Inn, the inside and outside of St Mary de Crypt, RodboroughTabernacle (with Whitefield’s walking stick and chair), Whitfield’s Tump (spelt without the middle ‘e’) on Minchinhampton Common and […]

Category Articles
Date November 1, 2000

The Tie No Longer Binds Former President Jimmy Carter’s “resignation” from the Southern Baptist Convention was intended to draw public attention—and it did. After all, it isn’t every day that one of the world’s most famous citizens denounces his denomination. Mr. Carter, now 76, has been America’s most active former president. His efforts at peacemaking, […]

Category Articles
Date November 1, 2000

[In 1985 the Banner of Truth published the 6 volume Works of John Newton. The most valuable volumes are those that contain the famous letters of Newton and the Olney Hymns. Volume IV consists of fifty sermons by Newton on the texts used by Handel in his oratorio “Messiah.” Newton had an uncertain relationship with […]

Category Articles
Date November 1, 2000

[Earlier this year the late Dr James Montgomery Boice delivered a series of three messages – the Den Dulk Lectures – at Westminster Theological Seminary, Escondido, California. The following are his opening words which appeared in ‘Update’, the Westminster Seminary in California magazine and used by permission:-] These are not good days for the evangelical […]

Category Articles
Date November 1, 2000

The Proclamation Trust exists to encourage and help preachers to teach the Bible better and more clearly. In addition to the ‘Cornhill Training Scheme’ and ‘Evangelical Ministers Assembly (EMA)’ held each June, the Proclamation Trust also runs a series of residential study conferences for preachers and teachers of the Word. The Conference for younger ministers […]

Category Articles
Date November 1, 2000

The God who knows and controls is under assault. Self-described evangelical theologians such as Clark Pinnock, John Sanders and Greg Boyd espouse a form of inclusivism known as the “openness of God,” the major tenets of which hold that God’s knowledge of future events is not exhaustive, that God is often surprised by the actions […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

One of the off-the-shelf suggestions for church growth is to ‘open the front door and close the back door’ meaning that welcoming and retaining new people will fill the pews. The subheads under that strategy include meeting people’s needs, providing the music they like, activities for children, etc. But Dr Mark Dever, a pastor and […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

Friday 16 June Sunday 18 June, 2000 Graham Tolley and I travelled from Heathrow to Warsaw via Paris. Connections were made even if planes were late and it was good to meet up with Elzbieta Modnicki together with a member from the Lodz Evangelical Church, who was to be our chauffeur. We arrived safely; a […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

For years, feminists have waged an increasingly successful struggle to strip the Bible of patriarchal language while claiming such alterations will lead to no further Biblical cleansing. Now the slippery slope is confirmed. A recent article in the Jewish Telegraph tells of recent success in an 18-year campaign by retired Jewish publisher Irvin Borowsky to […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

Bishop J. C. Ryle was The Puritan Bishop, that is the Puritan Bishop par excellence, said Dr. James I Packer, Professor of Theology at Regent College, Vancouver, speaking in Liverpool on 9 September at a meeting chaired by the present Bishop of that city. His subject was “J. C. Ryle, the Puritan Bishop”. Dr. Packer […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

In early October, 2000, Dr Joel Beeke of Grand Rapids buried an elderly Christian. He gave the following letter to her children after the funeral (on 1 Tim. 1:15-17), detailing his last visit with her:- The last visit I had with your dear mother last week was quite special for me, so I wrote out […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

Someone has said, Imagine you had never driven a car before. In your village all you have are horses and carts. A car appears one night in a field. No one quite knows what to make of it. Eventually, seeing it has wheels, people decide that it must be a vehicle of some sort. So […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

John Piper has written “The Justification of God: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 9:1-23” which is published by Baker Book House, (1993), 245 pp. paperback. In a sermon entitled “I Will Be Gracious to Whom I Will Be Gracious,” John Piper confessed that when a junior in seminary, “Romans 9 came on me […]

Category Book Reviews
Date October 1, 2000

The distinguished Dutch physician Bert Keizer went to London this week and gave a lecture at the London Millennium Festival of Science, at King’s College. He spoke of the rise of Modern Medicine after 1850, the study of the anatomical basis of the symptoms of diseases, the discovery of the bacterial causes of diseases, the […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000

Dr Barry E. Horner is an Australian who is now pastoring in New Jersey, USA. His has been a life-long passion with Pilgrim’s Progress: “When five years of age, my older sister took me to an after school meeting for children at the local Baptist church. It was there that I first encountered a never-to-be […]

Category Articles
Date October 1, 2000