Books on The Church

Showing 13–24 of 32 results


The Works of John Owen

Volume 13: Ministry and Fellowship

by John Owen

price £15.00


Commendation of Volume 13 ‘Commending Volume 13 of John Owen’s Works is a very personal pleasure. Owen is rightly considered the profoundest of the Puritan pastor theologians, and Owen is profound (just read his volumes on The Glory of Christ (vol. 1), Communion with God (vol. 2), and The Holy Spirit (vol. 3)). But before […]


The Works of John Flavel

6 Volume Set

by John Flavel

price Original price was: £85.00.Current price is: £55.25.
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John Flavel was a favourite with Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield (who ranked him with John Bunyan and Matthew Henry), and, a century later, with such Scottish evangelical leaders as R. M. M’Cheyne and Andrew Bonar. Book Description The repeated editions of Flavel’s Works bear their own witness to his popularity. His complete works had […]

image of the works of John Bunyan

The Works Of John Bunyan

3 Volume Set

by John Bunyan

price Original price was: £65.00.Current price is: £45.50.
Avg. Rating


Book Description John Bunyan is best known for his famous allegorical works. He was prepared to suffer the hardship of imprisonment, in order to expound these great works. But his exposition of them was not confined to allegory, and in his many other works, like, ‘Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ’ and ‘An Exposition of […]

image of the Writings of John Murray 4 Volume Set
price £70.00
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The complete writtings of John Murray, one of the shinning stars of 20th century Presbyterianism. 1224pp.

Collected Writings of John Murray

Collected Writings of John Murray

Volume 3: Life, Sermons, Reviews

by John Murray

price £19.00


An illustrated biography by Iain H. Murray, and the first published collection of John Murray’s sermons, with several reviews. 408pp.

Collected Writings of John Murray

Collected Writings of John Murray

Volume 2: Systematic Theology

by John Murray

price £19.00


Murray’s own selection from his articles and lectures in systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. 432pp.

Collected Writings of John Murray

Collected Writings of John Murray

Volume 1: The Claims of Truth

by John Murray

price £19.00


The most important of Murray’s shorter writings illustrating his conviction that theology should be ‘shot through with ardent devotion’. 392pp.


The Love of Christ

Expository Sermons on Verses from Song of Solomon Chapters 4-6

by Richard Sibbes

price From: £4.40
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A series of sermons preached by Richard Sibbes (1577-1635) on Song of Solomon 4:16-6:3, demonstrating and setting forth the love of Christ to his church, and the love of the church to Christ. 376pp.

price From: £3.60
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Watson’s fine exposition shows the rich provision made in the Supper for all believers, and lays bare the emptiness of mere sacramentalism. 96pp.


The Inter-Faith Movement

The New Age Enters the Church

by H. J. Pollitt

price £7.00


The New Age Enters the Church’ — traces the historical development of religious pluralism and the stages by which it has eroded the once-held view of the exclusiveness of the Christian faith. 224pp.


The Glorious Body Of Christ

A Scriptural Appreciation of the One Holy Church

by R. B. Kuiper

price £9.00


The church and her Antiquity and Perpetuity, Unity, Holiness, Apostolicity, Membership, Truth, Preaching, Evangelism, Worship, etc. 384pp.

price £5.50


A plea for a return to the right use of the Lord’s Day for meditation, rest, service, and growth in the understanding of God. 112pp.

Showing 13–24 of 32 results