Books on Catechisms/Confessions
Showing 13–20 of 20 results
Guilt, Grace and Gratitude
2 Volume Set
A moving exposition of the great truths of the Heidelberg Catechism. 512pp. each volume.
In The Shorter Catechism Explained from Scripture, Vincent uses a question and answer format to achieve his aim. The 40 signatories to the Preface, including John Owen, declared their belief that it would ‘be greatly useful to all Christians in general’. 280pp.
Book Description Thomas Watson was one of the most popular preachers in London during the Puritan era. His writings are marked with clarity, raciness and spiritual richness. Nowhere is this seen so clearly as in his outstandingly helpful exposition of the Shorter Catechism drawn up by the Westminster Assembly. The three-volume edition (of which this […]
A Body of Divinity
Contained in Sermons Upon the Westminster Assembly's Catechism by Thomas Watson
Book Description One of the first books published by the Trust, this has been one of the best sellers and consistently the most useful and influential of our publications. There are several reasons for this: The subject of the book. It deals with the foremost doctrinal and experimental truths of the Christian Faith. The means […]
The Westminster Confession
A Commentary
Demonstrates Hodge’s ability to communicate the best theology in a satisfying and pleasant manner. 432pp.
Truth’s Victory Over Error
A Commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith
A contemporary commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith, which reveals the burning issues of the day and supplies fascinating insights into the robust theology of the Scottish Puritans. 304pp.
To Glorify and Enjoy God provides a comprehensive introduction to the background, history, character and contributions of the Westminster Divines and their Assembly. 352pp.
Shorter Catechism
With Scripture Proofs
This work of the Westminster divines remains one of the best introductions to the key doctrines of the Christian faith. 48pp.
Showing 13–20 of 20 results