Books on Missionary Biography

Cover of Diary and Journal of David Brainerd

Diary and Journal of David Brainerd

Preface and Reflections by Jonathan Edwards

by David Brainerd, Jonathan Edwards

price From: £5.50
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Brainerd’s life is a vivid, powerful testimony to the truth that God can and does use weak, sick, discouraged, lonely, struggling saints . . . to accomplish amazing things for his glory’—John Piper. 792pp.


Swift and Beautiful

The Amazing Stories of Faithful Missionaries

by David Calhoun

price From: £5.40
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Book Description In his Spiritual Unfolding of Bishop H. C. G. Moule, John Baird wrote, ‘No course of reading is more establishing than that of Christian biography — the battle story of those who in the conflict of earth have been great in the life of God.’ Swift and Beautiful tells the amazing stories of […]

John Paton PB

John G. Paton

Missionary to the Cannibals of the South Seas

by Paul Schlehlein

price From: £5.40
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Endorsement ‘I am grateful to Paul Schlehlein for providing a new look at the life and ministry of John G. Paton. Early in my life I was enduringly impacted by Paton’s autobiography edited by his brother, James. The story was a stunning account of dedication, desperation, sacrifice at the most extreme level, and selfless love […]


Amy Carmichael

Beauty for Ashes

by Iain H. Murray

price From: £5.80
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Endorsements ‘This is a love story of the noblest kind. It is an enriching consideration of a woman’s relentless love for her Saviour, her Bible, her friends, and most uniquely, her love for lost, suffering and desperate sinners – to whom she gave her life. Such devotion as hers seems so distant. Reading this brief […]

William Carey

William Carey

And the Missionary Vision

by Daniel Webber

price £6.00


The heroic story of Carey’s passionate advocacy of world mission. Includes his Enquiry and a sermon by Andrew Fuller. 128pp.


Unlisted Legion

Part of its Witness in the Karakoram and the Khyber

by Jock Purves

price £3.50
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An autobiography of Jock Purves, retelling the story of the missionary efforts of him and his friends in Lesser Thibet and on the Indian-Afghan Frontier. 208pp.

Troubled Journey

Troubled Journey

A Missionary Childhood in War-Torn China

by Faith Cook

price £6.00
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Faith Cook shares her first-hand story of a missionary childhood in China during World War II and the subsequent Communist takeover. 128pp.

Cover of Five Pioneer Missionaries
price £8.50
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The awe-inspiring stories of David Brainerd, William Chalmers Burns, John Eliot, Henry Martyn and John G. Paton. 352pp.

They Were Pilgrims
price £15.00


The stories of four young men who made an extraordinary spiritual impact on their generation—David Brainerd, Henry Martyn, Robert Murray M‘Cheyne and Ion Keith-Falconer—and whose example and passion still call us to greater devotion for Christ. 272pp.

A Scottish Christian Heritage
price £16.00
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Murray explores Scotland’s rich Christian heritage and underlines its remarkable relevance for our own day. While not a Scottish Church history, A Scottish Christian Heritage is a gripping introduction to the many glorious successes, and some of the painful failures of the church, from the days of John Knox to those of Horatius Bonar. 416pp.

Margaret Paton Cover

Margaret Paton

Letters from the South Seas

by Margaret Paton

price £14.50
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John Paton’s wife gives an enthralling and inspiring account of missionary life in the New Hebrides from the 1860s to the 1890s. 344pp.


John G. Paton

The Autobiography of the Pioneer Missionary to the New Hebrides (Vanuatu)

by John G. Paton

price £16.50
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The moving and gripping account of the life of the great pioneer missionary to the New Hebrides. 340pp.