Weight | 0.23 kg |
Dimensions | 18.1 × 12.1 × 1.4 cm |
ISBN | 9781848710559 |
Binding | Paperback |
Format | Book |
Page Count | 216 |
Original Pub Date | 1826 |
Banner Pub Date | Feb 1, 2010 |
Book Description
In this treatment of the biblical doctrine of repentance the author distinguished between evangelical or true repentance and legal repentance. Though the latter may be produced by a fear of God’s wrath and lead to reformation of life, it is an experience which falls short of salvation. Evangelical repentance, on the other hand, is the result of the Holy Spirit’s work in regeneration, is inseparable from faith in Jesus Christ, and is evidenced by turning from all sin to God.
John Colquhoun (1748-1827), minister in the Church of Scotland at Leith, deals in turn with the sources, nature, necessity, fruits and evidences of evangelical repentance, how it differs from legal repentance, and how logically (although not in respect of time) it must be preceded by faith and justification. The author leaves his reader in no doubt that without such repentance there is no scriptural warrant to assume that a person is born again of the Spirit. He provides an excellent corrective to a superficial conception of conversion.
Table of Contents Expand ↓
Biographical introduction | vii | |
Introduction | 1 | |
1 | The sources of true repentance | 7 |
2 | The nature and import of true repentance | 25 |
3 | The necessity of true repentance | 55 |
4 | The difference between true and counterfeit repentance | 83 |
5 | The fruits and evidences of true repentance | 111 |
6 | The priority of the acting of saving faith to the exercise of true repentance | 127 |
7 | The priority of justification to the first exercise of true repentance | 147 |
8 | Objections answered | 175 |
More items to consider:
Colquhoun (1748–1827) distinguishes between evangelical or true repentance and legal repentance. 216pp.
Colquhoun (1748–1827) distinguishes between evangelical or true repentance and legal repentance. 216pp.
The Banner of Truth Magazine
Issues 1-16 (Sept 1955 through Aug 1959)
Colquhoun (1748–1827) distinguishes between evangelical or true repentance and legal repentance. 216pp.
matteob –
This book was recommended by FCC minister James Clark whose preaching and written ministry I have greatly benefited from. He says the “old medicine” is the best and he knows his Reformed devotional writers! This is not an easy read. It made me really search myself and take my condition to God in prayer. It is a necessary one though. We don’t always benefit from being preached only smooth things. Sometimes we need to be gently guided to take a good, hard look at our spiritual condition and this is what this book did for me. It was money well spent.