Redemption Accomplished and Applied


Weight 0.23 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 13.6 × 1.3 cm
ISBN 9781848710467

Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle)



Page Count


Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Jan 3, 1961


‘Murray’s distinctive… is his careful exegesis of Scripture passages, so that his theological assertions come straight from the Word of God with all the authority which that gives them. His treatment of the order of application of redemption is masterly. . . one of the greatest theological books written in the last hundred years.’– FREE CHURCH WITNESS

Book Description

The value of John Murray’s writing as a theologian has been increasingly recognised in recent years. Here we find the same strong theology, but distilled and expressed for Christian in general rather than for theological students in particular.

Murray deals with the nature and meaning of the death of Christ, and with the way in which the Christian inherits the blessings which flow from it, through regeneration, justification, adoption, sanctification and glorification. There is, he says, ‘an unbreakable chain of events proceeding from God’s eternal purpose in foreknowledge and predestination to the glorification of the people of God.’

Ian Hamilton on Redemption: Accomplished and Applied

Table of Contents Expand ↓

Foreword by Ian Hamilton vii
Preface to the First British Edition ix
1 The Necessity of the Atonement 3
2 The Nature of the Atonement 13
3 The Perfection of the Atonement 43
4 The Extent of the Atonement 53
5 Conclusion 71
1 The Order of Application 77
2 Effectual Calling 87
3 Regeneration 95
4 Faith and Repentance 107
5 Justification 119
6 Adoption 135
7 Sanctification 145
8 Perseverance 155
9 Union with Christ 165
10 Glorification 179
Index to Scripture Texts 187
Index to Subjects 195



Submit your testimonial

  1. Iain Mackenzie

    The first book I read as a Christian. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It gave me a great grounding in the Reformed faith. It is not an easy read but even if you were only to read and digest two pages at a time then it will benefit you no end. There is a depth to Prof Murray’s writings that require a great deal of meditating but what a subject to be meditating upon. A must read for every serious student of the Reformed faith and every seriously minded Christian. My youngest son struggled with it however I believe he will go back to it in time. It is a book that you can pick up, dust off after 30 years and still find something that will affect your soul in a good way.

  2. Merle D’Aubigne

    We need this book in a Clothbound edition

  3. Andrew Young

    This is a very valuable book written by John Murray. The book is divided into two parts: 1. Redemption accomplised; 2. Redemption applied.
    In part one, Murray shows us in depth, the need for, the nature and the significance of the death of Christ. In the second part, he then shows the blessings that come from it. This section begins with an explanation of what is often known as the ‘ordo salutis’ – the order of salvation. From a study of Romans 8:30, Murray shows us the order of the blessings: effectual calling, regeneration, faith and repentance, justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance, union with Christ, glorification. This is then followed by an individual, helpful chapter on each of these terms. Each blessing being thoroughly explained by reference to appropriate Bible passages.
    This particular book is written in a very readable and clear style. Christians need to be clear regarding the theology of the atonement. This book, although written many years ago, will be a great help in clarifying issues. A classic.

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