Published: 2010
Showing 1–12 of 33 results
The Works of Stephen Charnock
Volume 1 + 2
Book Description VOLUME ONE contains a helpful introduction to Charnock’s life and work by James McCosh, and the first eight discourses on The Existence and Attributes of God, opening with A Discourse of Divine Providence, based on 2 Chronicles 16:9. In this Charnock sets forth the doctrine of providence with great clarity, and then applies […]
Vamos a estudiar Juan
Let's Study John
Endorsement ‘Toda la serie Vamos a estudiar. . .que se está desarrollando es vital para todo hogar cristiano que sinceramente quiere llegar a conocer la Palabra de Dios’. — COVENANTER WITNESS Book Description Se ha descrito el Evangelio según Juan como tan sencillo que un niño puede vadearlo, y tan profundo que un elefante puede […]
Vamos a estudiar el Apocalipsis
Let's Study Revelation
Book Description El libro del Apocalipsis es la palabra final de Dios para la Iglesia: una impactante revelación de las cosas que Él quiere que esta conozca, expresada en un lenguaje y mediante unas formas que deslumbran y a menudo sobresaltan. Tal vez por ello muchos cristianos lo encuentren intimidatorio. Derek Thomas escribe para disipar […]
A clear call to Christian readiness for Christ’s second coming, these sermons were preached in the aftermath of WWI. 160pp.
Wait Till You See the Butterfly
And Other Short Stories for Boys and Girls
Stories for children to point them to the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Saviour from sin, and to encourage Christian living. Arranged for age-groups 4–6, 7–9 and 10–12 years. 256pp.
Ministrar como el Maestro
Ministering Like the Master
Book Description ¡Cristo no fue un predicador aburrido! ‘¡Qué maravilloso sería- dice Stuart Olyott en la introducción de este libro – que los predicadores cristianos de todo el mundo estuvieran ministrando como su Maestro!’… Utilizando ejemplos de la predicación de Cristo en los Evangelios, Olyott desafía a los predicadores de hoy con tres elementos del […]
Libertad El Evangelio De Dios
Liberty of the Gospel
Book Description Acerca de este libro…’Sin duda alguna, lo que latinoamérica necesita en nuestros días es eschuchar y entender lo que es el verdadero evangelio de Dios. No el evangelio de la prosperidad, pero el evangelio de la libertad en Cristo. Nuestro problema de raíz realmente no es económico, no es el narcotráfico. Nuestro problema […]
Genesis 3: Un Estudio Devocional Y Expositivo
Genesis 3: Devotional
Book Description La interpretacion del capitulo 3 de Génesis es crucial para nuestra comprension de la Biblia y del Evangelio cristiano. ¿Fue “la Caída” realmente una etapa en la emancipación y evolución del hombre? ¿Es el relato del pecado de Adán y Eva simplemente una parábola que describe cómo los hombres y las mujeres no […]
Prayers on the Psalms
From the Scottish Psalter of 1595
Endorsement ‘Prayers on the Psalms is a triple treasure to me. It was edited by my beloved mentor David B. Calhoun, who is truly a gift to the church, it is drawn from the great Scottish Psalter of 1595 and the translated French prayers of Huguenot pastor martyr Augustin Marlorat, and it is based on […]
Pastoral Ministry
From the Reformed Pastor
Endorsement ‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but […]
The Works of William Tyndale
2 Volume Set: Doctrinal Treatises and Introductions to Different Portions of the Holy Scriptures
ENDORSEMENT ‘A reprint of this kind is no mere archaeological curiosity; one who was so intensely a man of the Bible as Tyndale was speaks to more ages than his own, and in the following pages we shall find that he has much to say to us, if we pay heed to what we read.’ […]
The Works of Stephen Charnock
5 Volume Set
Book Description There were theological and spiritual giants in the earth in the days of the English Puritans, and Stephen Charnock (1628-80) was prominent among them. His Works present a feast of rich teaching and exposition, characterized throughout by sound theology, profound thought, and an imaginative style. The five volumes now reprinted from the classic […]
Showing 1–12 of 33 results