Published: 1990s

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Help for seekers and doubting Christians about God’s way of salvation. 96pp.


The Inner Sanctuary

An Exposition of John Chapters 13 - 17

by Charles Ross

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This exposition of John chapters 13–17 is an outstanding aid to increased devotion to Jesus Christ. 256pp.

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Princeton Seminary

2 Volume Set

by David Calhoun

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ENDORSEMENTS ‘This splendid, thoroughly researched, two-volume history of Princeton Seminary reads like a novel. It tells the story of one of the key institutions that shaped the transformation of post-colonial, adolescent America into a world power, and that for the first time made the Christian faith global, carrying it literally to the uttermost ends of […]


Standing For God

The Story of Elijah

by Roger Ellsworth

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Book Description ELIJAH, whom Roger Ellsworth calls ‘the man without a resume’, appears and disappears in dramatic fashion on the stage of human history. Called to serve God in an age of widespread moral and spiritual deterioration and confusion, he reached great heights of boldness and faith, but also sounded the depths of discouragement and […]

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Book Description A man may be known by the company he keeps. Here, Faith Cook introduces us to Samuel Rutherford’s friends, who are called on to give us a fresh look at the man who has long been held in such high affection by Christian people around the world. The days in which Samuel Rutherford […]


Sermons on Job

Facsimile of the 1574 Edition

by John Calvin

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These 159 sermons preached in 1554-5 abound in faithful and lively exposition and remain a fine example of evangelical preaching. A facsimile of Arthur Golding’s translation first published in 1574.

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Book Description ¿Cómo debe valorar el creyente las afirmaciones actuales acerca de los dones espirituales? En este libro Walter Chantry describe la propagación mundial del movimiento carismático, y considera su importancia. Dios sigue obrando hoy en el mundo, pero el autor no cree que los poderes milagrosos estén ya en manos de hombres y mujeres […]


The Works Of George Swinnock Volume 2

Volume 2: The Christian Man's Calling

by George Swinnock

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Swinnock is one of the easiest Puritan authors to read. He is theological, yet his doctrine is expressed in vivid fashion. While practical, his counsel is marked by a keen sensitivity to scriptural doctrine. Approx. 520pp. per volume.


Words Old And New

Gems From the Christian Authorship of All Ages

by Horatius Bonar

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An anthology of quotations from significant figures through the Christian centuries, presented chronologically. 368pp.

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Stories from the author’s own experience for young and old. 64pp.

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Examines the scope of each Commandment towards a right understanding of God’s perfect requirements for our lives. 120pp.

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A collection of articles which speak to the needs of the times. 256pp.