
Glory of Christ bundle
price £20.00


Reveals Warfield’s mastery of such doctrines as the Trinity, the Person and Work of Christ, Redemption, and Faith. 680pp.

cover image for particular redemption by John Hurrion

Particular Redemption

The End and Design of the Death of Christ

by John Hurrion

price From: £2.00
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Book Description ‘Christ gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.’ In Particular Redemption, taking up these words of Titus 2:14, John Hurrion expounds the doctrine of redemption, focusing attention especially on the end and design, extent and importance of […]

Biblical Doctrines
price £14.00


Reveals Warfield’s mastery of such doctrines as the Trinity, the Person and Work of Christ, Redemption, and Faith. 680pp.