New eBooks (Oct 2)

image of the book christmas thoughts by Ryle
price From: £5.50
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NEW RELEASE Book Description Christmas, and New Year, are excellent moments to pause and reflect—as scattered families regather for the national holiday, and as the calendar turns over again, with another year gone forever. J. C. Ryle urges us—in the midst of our feasting and festivities and family reunions—to make time to consider our spiritual […]

image of the Child's Story Bible

The Child’s Story Bible

With Colour Illustrations

by Catherine Vos

price From: £13.00
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ENDORSEMENTSRead More ↓ ‘Time and again over the years The Child’s Story Bible provided the timeline for our family worship. The flow of biblical history outlined by Catherine Vos with the biblical narrative gave our children an understanding of the history of God’s redemptive purposes. The stories of David and Goliath, Daniel and the lion’s […]


The Upper Room

Being a Few Truths For the Times

by J. C. Ryle

price From: £10.00


Sermons and lectures which exhibit Ryle’s robust evangelical doctrine and down-to-earth application, with a contemporary ring. 464pp.

The Undercover Revolution

The Undercover Revolution

How Fiction Changed Britain

by Iain H. Murray

price From: £4.50


Looks at ‘How Fiction Changed Britain’ in late Victorian and Edwardian times. The second part of the book is a defence of the truth of Christianity. 112pp.


Preaching Christ

The Heart of Gospel Ministry

by Charles P. McIlvaine

price From: £4.80
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In this address to those entering the ministry, Bishop Charles P. McIlvaine leaves no doubt about ‘The Heart of Gospel Ministry’. 96pp.

price From: £15.00
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A one-volume compendium of theology which expounds Christianity according to the Reformed position. 784pp.

Preaching of Jonathan Edwards
price From: £10.00


John Carrick, a professor at Greenville Theological Seminary, explores the theology, application, content, style, structure, motive, delivery, literary features, logic and legacy of Edwards’ preaching. 480pp.

Life of John Milne of Perth
price From: £10.00


Apart from a short period of missionary service in India, John Milne (1807–68) spent his whole ministry in Perth as a pastor and evangelist. Bonar’s account of one who lived close to Christ remains a guide to what the churches need in every age. 464pp.

Life of Charles Hodge
price From: £15.00


Written shortly after his father’s death by his son and successor at Princeton, this life of Charles Hodge brings together a wealth of material from letters, diaries, journal articles, and personal reflections. Full of interest for all kinds of readers. 672pp. Illustrated.

Commentary on Matthew

Commentary on Matthew

The Gospel of the Kingdom

by C. H. Spurgeon

price From: £10.00
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The only commentary on a complete New Testament book ever written by Spurgeon. Here are reverence of the very words of Scripture, faithful teaching, deep insight, practical application, profound simplicity and spiritual power. Originally published as The Gospel of the Kingdom. 456pp.