
The collections of letters found on this page include theological and pastoral reflections from John Calvin, Samuel Rutherford, Charles Spurgeon, and John Newton, among others. These letters are both devotional and theological, and provide insight into how saints of old walked faithfully with God. Banner publishes some large collections of letters, like the 7 volume set, Tracts and Letters of John Calvin, and the 4 volume set, The Works of John Newton. Smaller collections of letters include the Letters of Samuel Rutherford, the Select Letters of John Newton, and The Select Practical Writings of John Knox.

thomas charles spiritual counsels

Thomas Charles’ Spiritual Counsels

Selected From His Letters and Papers by Edward Morgan

by Thomas Charles

price From: £9.00
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Selections from the letters and papers of the 18th-century minister of Bala in North Wales, with a biographical sketch by Iain H. Murray. 520pp.

price From: £6.75
Avg. Rating


Endorsement ‘This is one of my favourite books. My copy is highlighted, underlined, and falling apart from constant use. Students of Calvin, as well as pastors and serious Christians, will enjoy these letters. I’m thrilled that Banner of Truth has reissued this classic.’ — KEVIN DEYOUNG (from the introduction) Book Description Few great Christian leaders […]


John Elias

Life, Letters and Essays

by Edward Morgan

price £14.50
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This account by Edward Morgan traces the life and ministry of Elias from his first religious impressions until the day when 10, 000 attended his funeral in Anglessey, the scene of most of his labours. 432pp.

price From: £4.80
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Contains 69 of Rutherford’s letters while suffering for the gospel. 208pp.

Select Letters of John Newton
price £6.00


Practical letters on a wide variety of subjects, from ‘the letter writer par excellence of the Evangelical Revival.’ 240pp.

Letters on Revival
price £6.00


A valuable guide to the nature and effects of revivals of religion, from first-hand knowledge of revivals in the United States 1798–1808. 144pp.

Letters Of William Still
price £4.00
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A selection by Sinclair B. Ferguson of William Still’s pastoral letters to his Aberdeen congregation. 208pp.

Letters Of Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Letters Of Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Selected With Notes by Iain H. Murray

by Iain H. Murray, C. H. Spurgeon

price £5.50


A selection, with notes by Iain H. Murray. 224pp.

Wise Counsel

Wise Counsel

John Newton's Letters to John Ryland, Jr.

by John Newton

price £16.50
Avg. Rating


In these letters from John Newton (1725–1807) to John Ryland Jr. (1753–1825) we find not only mature and wise counsel, but a wholesome emphasis on true Christian experience, a great breadth of Christian sympathy, and a strong confidence in the power of the grace of God. 432pp.

The Select Practical Writings of John Knox
price £16.00


Some of the most enduring of Knox’s writings, including his treatise on prayer, an exposition of Psalm 6—‘Fort for the Afflicted’—and several of his letters. 336pp.

Life & Letters Of Benjamin Morgan Palmer
price £17.50


Takes us behind the public figure—J. H. Thornwell’s successor in Columbia, South Carolina—to the humble, prayerful Christian whose life was marked by affliction. 704pp.

Letters of Thomas Chalmers

Letters of Thomas Chalmers

Introduction by Iain H. Murray

by Thomas Chalmers

price £17.50


Edited by his son-in-law, this volume of Chalmers’ correspondence gives an insight into the great Scottish evangelical leader. 576pp.