
This page includes individual commentaries and commentary series on the books of the Bible. These commentaries offer faithful biblical exposition and include works from historic authors as well as from contemporary authors. Two noteworthy series on this page are the Let’s Study Series and the Geneva Commentary Series.

image of the book Amos by Allan Harman


The Shepherd Prophet

by Allan M. Harman

price From: £6.00


Book description Coming from a remote area of Judah, and from a farming background, Amos was called to a prophetic ministry to the nation of Israel. His prophetic message was a blend of mercy and judgment, as he challenged an erring nation to seek the Lord. In addition to strong condemnation of errant Israel, Amos […]



Life in a Fallen World


price From: £5.50
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Book Description What can we expect from life in a fallen world? How are we to live as redeemed people in such a world? In 22 concise chapters, Benjamin Shaw shows that the answers to these questions are to be found in the message of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. Whereas some commentators have […]

price From: £6.50


Book Description Throughout the centuries, the Letter of James has proved to be an excellent refresher course in what it means to live the Christian life. It is only a few pages long. It can be read out loud in twenty minutes. It is very direct and extremely practical. Several themes run through the Letter […]

Cover image of Psalms by Plumer


a critical and expository commentary with doctrinal and practical remarks

by W. S. Plumer

price £25.00
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In Psalms, Plumer gives both exposition and doctrinal and practical remarks and presents in readable form a great wealth of material. Clothbound. 1216 pp.

price £18.00


BOOK DESCRIPTION The New Testament Commentary by William Hendriksen (1900-1982) began in 1954. The series includes commentaries on all four Gospels and the majority of the Epistles of Paul. The commentary on 1 & 2 Thessalonians which first appeared in the USA in 1955 and was published by the Trust in 1972 in the United […]

price £18.00


BOOK DESCRIPTION When William Hendriksen died in 1982 he had established a reputation as an outstanding biblical commentator. His New Testament Commentary had become undoubtedly the foremost conservative and reformed commentary of the twentieth century. A master linguist, a painstaking scholar, an erudite theologian with wide experience in pastoral ministry and seminary teaching, Dr Hendriksen […]

price £18.00


BOOK DESCRIPTION It is not surprising that Galatians, the most controversial and explosive of Paul’s letters, was Luther’s favourite book of the Bible – ‘my own epistle to which I have plighted my troth.’ But it was Ephesians to which John Calvin reputedly turned for his choice as the book which meant most to him. […]

price £18.00


Book Description Like the Apostle Paul, William Hendriksen (1900-82) did not write merely as an academic specialist, but for the blessing of the Christian church at large. Nowhere is this more evident than in his treatment of the Epistle to the Romans. At the very letter in which many commentators become most technical and abstruse, […]

price £20.00
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Endorsement For myself I have to say that it is the most satisfying commentary that I have ever read on this Gospel. Dr Hendriksen is acknowledged and recognised as an outstanding New Testament scholar who is thoroughly up-to-date and fully aware of all modern movements of thought. He leaves nothing to be desired in that […]

price £20.00


Book Description Dr Hendriksen’s success as a commentator has been rendered noteworthy by his refusal to accept the prevailing assumption that the best commentaries are written primarily for specialists and for academics. His justification lies in his understanding of the intention of Scripture itself. Thus in his Introduction to Luke he writes: This Gospel is […]

price £20.00


Book Description Mark’s Gospel, ‘written between AD 40 and 65, with the balance of evidence now favouring the earlier part of this period,’ has its own distinct importance, and, in introducing this Gospel, Hendriksen deals in turn with what he considers to be its three main characteristics, compactness, vividness and orderliness. It is ‘definitely the […]

price £20.00


Endorsement I know of no finer commentaries in the English language — EDWIN PALMER Book Description The first Gospel, written by one of the least conspicuous of the twelve apostles, is a book of primary importance. Dr Hendriksen’s massive commentary soon reveals why this is so, and why, for the author, the reading of Matthew […]