
Look Inside Price £13.00

Weight 0.56 kg
Dimensions 22.3 × 14.3 × 2.5 cm
ISBN 9780851517629




Page Count



Geneva Series of Commentaries



Original Pub Date


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May 1, 1999

Book Description

The author’s aim was to explain the text accurately, to clarify the geographical and historical references in Judges and to draw forth from the narrative and the inspired Word the spiritual lessons designed by the Divine Author. He believed that ‘the histories in Holy Scripture are wonderfully framed by their Divine Author to set forth spiritual and everlasting truths for all ages, and especially to typify Him in whom all history, type, and prophecy find their centre – Jesus Christ, the same yesterday and today, and for ever‘ (Heb. 13:8)

Table of Contents Expand ↓

I The Title and Subject: The Special Office of the Judges 1
II Design of the Book 2-6
III Historical Truthfulness 7
IV Date of Authorship 8
V Divisions-
I Introduction 8
II The body of the work 9
III Appendix- 9
Concert of Judah and Simeon against the Canaanites and Perizzites: consultation of Jehovah 12, 14
Adonibezek the captor caught, and paid in kind 13, 16
God still known by His judgments 17
The cases wherein God requites not now, necessitate His future judgment 18
The Reward of whole-heartedness, and punishment of indecision 18, 34
I Reward of whole-heartedness 29
II Punishment of Indecision- 34
III 1 Jehovah’s threat before punishing- 37
2 Effect of Jehovah’s threat- 38
God’s epiphanies and man’s apostasies: mercy rejoiceth against judgment 39, 46
Israel’s apostasy, punishment, and deliverance in answer to prayer  Illustrating God’s righteousness, faithfulness, and grace 40
Israel’s adherence to the covenant under Joshua and the elders who had seen Jehovah’s mighty acts 49
Israel’s relapse into idolatry: successive steps in their fall: cause of the evil 51
The same among ourselves 52
God’s righteous indignation, and retributive punishment of Israel’s apostasy 53
Jehovah’s compassion on Israel’s distress, and interposition 54
Israel’s relapse to corruption after the death of each judge 55
Jehovah’s resolution to stay Israel’s victories, and leave Canaanites to prove Israel 55
The Lord still left them, to try Israel 56
The Israelites, when thus proved, failed 57
Chronology of the Judges 7, 58
Occasion of raising up the first judge 59
Eglon and Ehud, Shamgar and the Philistines 61
1 Israel’s apostasy, chastisement by Eglon, and penitent cry: Jehovah’s deliverance of Israel by Ehud 66
2 Application of the spiritual lesson to ourselves-
Israel’s deliverance by Deborah and Barak 76
Song of Deborah and Barak 84
The bondage: the answer to prayer: the conflict and victory: the thanksgiving 94
1 The bondage-(1) its origin: (2) its severity 94, 95
2 The answer to prayer 96
3 The conflict and the victory: the instruments of gaining it: willing volunteers 97
4 The thanksgiving 98
Israel’s oppression by Midian 102
Gideon and the fleece 111
Second stage in the times of the Judges, from Gideon to Jair, 95 years 113
1 Occasion of the theophany of Jehovah to Gideon 113
2 Affliction the instrument of correction 114
3 Epiphany to Gideon 114
4 Boldness for God brings its own reward 115
5 God’s Spirit qualifies the weakest for work, and guarantees success 116
6 Weak faith craves a sign, Jehovah vouchsafes it: dew on the fleece 117
Gideon’s victory over Midian: Jehovah’s strength made perfect in weakness 127
Gideon’s victory over self, preliminary to his complete conquest of Midian, and chastisement of churlish scoffers 135
The defeat of Midian, a type of the overthrow of Satan’s kingdom 141
Final triumph of the meek 144
Gideon’s refusal to rule, because of loyalty to God: his deviation from God’s law bears deadly fruit 148
Abimelech’s successful usurpation through murder and conspiracy 152
God’s retributive righteousness illustrated in the contrasted issues of faithfulness and apostasy, even in this world 165
1 Gideon’s unambitious spirit 165
2 Gideon’s great error 167
3 Israel’s apostasy punished, not as heretofore by foreign oppressors, but by internal strife 169
Times of peace under Tola and Jair: times of trouble through apostasy: deliverance under Jephthah 179
Jephthah 186
Jephthah 197
Peace the fruit of righteousness: trouble through sin: deliverance upon penitence 199
1 Tola’s rule 199
2 Jair’s rule 199
3 Third period of the times of the Judges under Jephthah and Samson 200
4 Israel’s double sin, and its double punishment 200
5 Israel’s repentance 201
6 Jephthah’s appointment as head and deliverer 202
7 Jephthah’s appeal to right, and then to force, against Ammon 202
8 Jephthah’s vow 203
9 Its mode of fulfilment 203
10 Jephthah’s chastisement of Ephraim’s pride 206
11 Jephthah a type of the Lord Jesus 206
Brief seasons of rest: Philistine oppression: Divine announcement of Samson’s birth 209
A quarter of a century of peace, followed by chastisement for apostasy: divine announcement and birth of the deliverer 215
1 Fruit of conflict 215
2 Sin and sorrow twin sisters 216
3 Grace superabounding where sin abounded 217
4 Peculiarity of Samson’s judgeship, and its spiritual lesson 217
5 Significance of the Nazarite vow 219
6 Consecration must begin with parents, and thence flow to children 220
7 Our time of need, God’s time of help: when saved ourselves, we seek to save others 221
8 The Angel of Jehovah, the Man of God 221
9 God revealed especially in Jesus’ sacrifice 222
10 God’s past grace the pledge of present and future salvation 223
11 Samson the type of Messiah 224
Samson’s culpable weakness overruled to inflict his first blow on the Philistine oppressors 226
Samson’s further exploits with weak instruments, in the face of strong enemies and unfaithful friends: God’s strength perfected in man’s weakness 232
Samson’s risk with one bad woman, and ruin through another 238
Samson himself a riddle, and the riddle of Samson 245
Introduction of idolatry 264
Extension of idolatry from one family to a whole tribe 269
Introduction of idolatry: how it began after Joshua’s death 278
Awful crime of Gibeah 295
The growth of sin in the absence of law: its fatal issue 308
1 The blessings of law and civil government illustrated by the evils flowing from their absence 308
2 Idolatry the parent of immorality 308
3 The evil begins in the church; then spreads in the world; then follows judgement 309
4 Further lessons from the story of the Levite 311
5 The sin of Gibeah 312
6 God’s judicial vengeance to be executed by Israel and on Israel 315
7 Typical aspects of the history 320
Final triumph of justice over the transgressors; narrow escape of Benjamin from extinction 322
Cruel deeds entail bitter remorse: Israel’s effort to mitigate the evil to the Benjamite survivors 329
Self-abasement and prayer the secret of mitigating disaster 334
1 The saint’s way of victory 334
2 The way of destruction 335
3 The way of escape 337
4 The way of mercy towards the fallen 337


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