Warnings to the Churches
Weight | 0.192 kg |
Dimensions | 18.1 × 12.1 × 1.3 cm |
ISBN | 9780851510439 |
Page Count | 176 |
Format | Book |
Original Pub Date | 1967 |
Banner Pub Date | Dec 1, 1967 |
Topic | Church Life, Church Issues/Unity |
Binding | Paperback, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Paperback & eBook (ePub & Kindle) |
Book Description
The ambiguity and obscurity of statements from religious leaders today often confuse ordinary Christians. J.C. Ryle’s writings were of a different character. His outspoken comments can still help us towards clear Bible-based convictions.
The church’s doctrine and practice are in constant danger of being corrupted from their original divinely-given character. Seeing this, Ryle felt compelled to utter a warning, however controversial this might prove. As he observes, ‘There are times when controversy is…a benefit. Give me the mighty thunderstorm rather than the pestilential malaria. The one walks in darkness and poisons us in silence…The other frightens and alarms us for a little season. But it is soon over, and it clears the air’.
Strong convictions and clarity of expression always mark Ryle’s writings. Nowhere is this more evident than in the addresses and articles brought together as Warnings to the Churches.
Table of Contents Expand ↓
1 | The True Church | 9 |
2 | ‘Not Corrupting the Word’ | 29 |
3 | ‘Give Thyself Wholly to Them’ | 37 |
4 | Pharisees and Sadducees | 44 |
5 | Divers and Strange Doctrines | 72 |
6 | The Fallibility of Ministers | 93 |
7 | Apostolic Fears | 122 |
8 | Idolatry | 142 |
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David Nalley –
The Bishop J. C. Ryle has given the Church a great treasure. In this short volume, Ryle encourages ministers of the Gospel to serve Christ well in a few areas.
First, ministers must give heed to the study, reading, praying, and proclamation of the inspired Scriptures. This must be accomplished if the Church would remain healthy. I am not sure if there has been another author, besides Ryle, that has personally encouraged and inspired me to know God’s Word more.
Second, ministers must fight against false teaching that seeks to creep into the Church. The minister accomplishes this by the studying and preaching of the Word of God. Ryle over and over speaks against false teaching. Too many in the Church today have not fought against false teaching because they would rather have peace. Ryle says of this, “I charge them never to forget that truth is of more importance to a Church than peace” (112).
Finally, Ryle commends his readers to never forget the truth of the Gospel message that sinners are justified only by the finished work of Christ.
I would commend this short, but significant work to anyone who wishes to serve God well in this world.