The Way of Life

Christian Belief and Experience

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 18.8 × 12.5 × 1.5 cm
ISBN 9781848719521

Cloth-bound, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Cloth-bound & eBook (ePub & Kindle)



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Book Description

‘It is one of the clearest principles of Divine revelation, that holiness is the fruit of truth; and it is one of the plainest inferences from that principle, that the exhibition of the truth is the best means of promoting holiness. Christians regard the word of God as the only infallible teacher of those truths which relate to the salvation of men. But are the Scriptures really a revelation from God? If they are, what doctrines do they teach? And what influence should those doctrines exert on our heart and life?

The publishing committee of the American Sunday School Union have long felt the want of a book which should give a plain answer to these questions, and be suitable to place in the hands of intelligent and educated young persons, either to arouse their attention, or to guide their steps in the way of life.

If this little book should be instrumental, by the simple exhibition of the truth, in pointing out the way of life to those who are anxious to know what they must believe and what they must experience in order to be saved, it will answer the design of its preparation and publication.’

From the Preface

Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I set before you the way of life. — Jeremiah 21:8

Table of Contents Expand ↓

CHAPTER I — The Scriptures Are the Word of God
I. The internal evidence of the Divine origin of the Scriptures 1
II. The internal evidence of their Divine origin is the proper ground of faith in the Scriptures 12
III. External evidence of the Divine origin of the Scriptures. The testimony of the church 19
IV. The argument from prophecy 24
I. All men are sinners. The nature of man, since the fall, is depraved 37
II. The sins of men are numerous and aggravated 44
CHAPTER III — Causes of Indifference to the Charge of Sin
I. Sin, want of consideration, striving against the Spirit 59
II. Sophistical objections against the doctrine of the Bible 63
CHAPTER IV — Conviction of Sin
I. Knowledge of Sin. Sense of personal ill desert 81
II. Insufficiency of our own righteousness and of our own strength 95
CHAPTER V — Justification
I. Importance of the Doctrine. Explanation of the Scriptural terms relating to it. Justification is not by works. 105
II. The demands of the law are satisfied by what Christ has done 118
III. The righteousness of Christ the true ground of our justification. The practical effects of this doctrine 137
I. Faith is the condition of salvation. The nature of saving faith 149
II. Faith as connected with justification 162
CHAPTER VII — Repentance 173
CHAPTER VIII — Profession of Religion
I. The nature and necessity of a public profession of religion 195
II. Baptism and the Lord’s supper. The nature, design, and efficacy of these ordinances 204
III. Obligation to attend upon the sacraments. Qualifications for the proper discharge of the duty 221
CHAPTER IX — Holy Living
I. The nature of true religion 235
II. The means of sanctification 256


Submit your testimonial

  1. Allan Shearer, Free Church Books

    This engaging and thought-provoking book is written with the conviction that a Christian is to grow in holiness which is to become more like the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Most helpfully, Charles Hodge outlines the case for the Scriptures being the Word of God that the reader’s confidence in them might grow. From this solid foundation, he builds up ‘The Way of Life’ by outlining truths that are essential to salvation. He discusses sin, justification, faith, repentance, professing faith and holy living. Hodge shows not only what we are to know concerning these truths in order to be a Christian to begin with, but also what continuing effect these truths should have on our hearts and lives. This helps the Christian to be salt and light in this world of darkness.

    ‘The Way of Life’ would be very helpful to Christians of any stage in their walk with the Lord. It may be of particular benefit to younger Christians, perhaps at college or university, seeking to engage other students with the truth of the Gospel.

  2. Joe Long

    I bought this 40 years ago when I was just getting familiar with Reformed Theology. It was succinct and so helpful. Thomas Watsons A Body of Divinity and John Murrays Redemption Accomplished and Applied were also extremely valuable. Thank you Banner of Truth!!

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