Just A Talker

Sayings of John ('Rabbi') Duncan

Look Inside Price £7.00

Weight 0.28 kg
Dimensions 18.1 × 12.1 × 1.9 cm
ISBN 9780851517261




Page Count


Banner Pub Date

Jun 1, 1997

Original Pub Date


Book Description

When asked why he never wrote a book, John (‘Rabbi’) Duncan (1796-1870) replied, ‘I cannot write, I’m just a talker.’ Duncan had a genius for expressing profound thoughts in brief epigrammatic sayings.  ‘What I have sought to do in these pages is take the aphorisms of his conversations, as recorded in several original sources  and present them here in one book, believing that they will greatly enrich the hearts and minds of all who read them.

The amount of clear thought packed into these pages is altogether out of proportion to their number.  Duncan’s sayings have a near unique combination of depth and brevity.  He exemplified the standard he expected of other: ‘I would advise everyone to be very careful to use no more words than are necessary to express thought.  Whenever a man becomes cloudy in his words, be sure that his thought has become shadowy too.’ On Duncan’s death, William Knight remarked, ‘With him has perished a breathing library of wisdom.’

Table of Contents Expand ↓


by John E. Marshall and John J. Murray

Adoption 3
Affliction 4
Antinomianism 4
Arminianism 5
Assurance of Salvation 6
Atheism 7
Atonement 8
Baptism 9
Bible 10
Bible Characters 16
Books 19
Brethrenism 19
Calvinism 20
Christ 21
Christianity 39
Church 39
Church Government 42
The Church in Scotland 43
Civil Government and Rulers 43
Comfort 44
Conscience 44
Controversy 47
Conversion 48
Conviction of Sin 51
Creation 51
Creatures 52
Creeds and Confessions of Faith 53
Death 53
Despondency 56
Devils or Demons 56
Devotion to God 57
Doctrine 57
Doubts and Doubting 58
Duty 60
Election 60
The English Language 61
Envy and Vaunting 61
Evangelicalism 62
Evangelism 62
Experience 62
Faith 62
Family Worship 67
Fasting 68
Fear 68
Feelings 68
Flattery 68
Free Will 68
Friendship 69
Genius 69
Glory 70
God 70
Godliness 84
Goodness 84
Good Works 85
Gospel 85
Grace 91
Hatred 93
Heart 93
Heaven 94
Hell 95
History 96
Holiness 96
The Holy Spirit 96
Hope 97
Humility 97
Hyper-Calvinists 98
Hypocrisy and Hypocrites 98
Idolatry 99
Intolerance 99
Jews 99
Joy 101
Justification 102
Kindness 103
Kings and Priests 104
Knowledge 104
Language and Languages 104
Law 105
Life 109
Lord’s Day 110
Lord’s Supper 110
Love 112
Man 115
Marriage and Divorce 118
Means of Grace 119
Merit 119
Ministers and Ministry 120
Miracles and the Miraculous 122
Music in Worship 123
Mysticism 124
Nature and Natural Blessings 125
Non-Essentials 125
Obedience and Disobedience 125
Old Testament Saints 126
Order 127
Pantheism 127
Peace 128
Pelagianism 128
Perdition 129
Perfectionism 129
Perseverance of the Saints 129
Philosophers and Thinkers 130
Philosophies 132
Philosophy 133
Pleasure 133
Poetry and Poets 134
Praise 134
Prayer 135
Preaching 139
Predestination 141
Pride 141
Progress 142
Promises of God 143
Property and Possession 144
Protestants 144
Providence 144
Psalms 145
Redemption 147
Regeneration 147
Regulative Principle 149
Religion 149
Repentance 151
Revelation 153
Revival 153
Roman Catholicism 154
Salvation 155
Sanctification 157
Sandemanianism 158
Satan 158
Science 159
Self-Examination 159
Self-Expression 160
Self-Fulfilment 160
Self-Sufficiency 160
Sin 160
Sincerity 169
Singing in Worship 169
Speculation 170
Spiritual Frames and Conditions 170
Supernatural 172
Theologians 172
Theology 184
Trust 185
Truth 185
Unbelief 185
Will 186
Women 186
World 187
Worship 189
Anthems 193
Assurance 193
Believers 202
Christ 203
Communion of Saints 211
Conscience 213
Conversion 213
Death 214
Debt 216
Effectual Calling 217
Establishment Principle 222
Extermination of the Canaanites 223
Faith 224
God 225
Gospel 227
The Holy Spirit 230
Jews 232
Justification 233
Law 236
Love 242
Man 245
Ministry 246
Obedience 247
Passion Week 249
Preaching 249
Prophets 255
Psalms, Paraphrases and Hymns 255
Semi-Pelagianism and Arminianism 256
Sin 256
Sincerity 261
Theology 262
Threefold Union 265


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