Christian In Complete Armour
3 Volume Set
Weight | 1.03 kg |
Dimensions | 18.1 × 12.1 × 5.7 cm |
ISBN | 9780851515687 |
Binding | Paperback |
Format | Book |
Page Count | 1,036 |
Scripture | Ephesians |
Original Pub Date | 1662 |
Banner Pub Date | Jun 1, 1989 |
‘If I might read only one book beside the Bible, I would choose The Christian in Complete Armour.’ — JOHN NEWTON
‘Gurnall’s work is peerless and priceless; every line is full of wisdom; every sentence is suggestive. I have often resorted to it when my own fire has been burning low, and I have seldom failed to find a glowing coal upon Gurnall’s hearth.’ — C.H. SPURGEON
‘A beautiful feature in Gurnall’s book is its richness in pithy, pointed, and epigrammatical sayings. You will often find in a line and a half some great truth, put so concisely, and yet so fully, that you really marvel how so much thought could be got into so few words. Solid scriptural theology, like that contained in these pages, should be valued and studied in the church. Books in which Scripture is reverently regarded as the only rule of faith and practice – books in which Christ and the Holy Ghost have their rightful office – books in which justification, and sanctification, and regeneration, and faith, and grace, and holiness are clearly, distinctly, and accurately delineated and exhibited – these are the only books which do real good. Few things need reviving more than a taste for such books as these among readers.’ — J.C. RYLE
‘I believe The Christian in Complete Armour, should be in the library of every man and woman of God. No Christian leader, teacher, pastor, evangelist, or Christian worker should be without it.’ — DAVID WILKERSON (author of The Cross and the Switchblade)
‘You could not buy a better work, nor get better value for your money.’ — FREE PRESBYTERIAN MAGAZINE
Book Description
The Christian in Complete Armour is certainly one of the greatest of all the Puritans’ practical writings. This 3-volume paperback set is a modernized abridgement of the Puritan Classic by William Gurnall.
More items to consider:

Authentic Christianity
Volume 4: Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles
A modernized abridgement of the Puritan classic. 312, 400 & 320pp.

Romans 14
Volume 14: Liberty and Conscience
A modernized abridgement of the Puritan classic. 312, 400 & 320pp.

Romans 11
Volume 11: To Gods Glory
A modernized abridgement of the Puritan classic. 312, 400 & 320pp.
David –
I agree with the endorsements above and would like to thank The Banner of Truth for their work on these three volumes. The depth of this work is endless.
Seth Lancaster –
When somebody a asks me for a book recommendation, this is always the first one. I started reading it several years back a section a day, and it always seemed to fit exactly what I was going through at that very time!
Gbenga Williams –
I am currently reading Vol.1 and I bought that from a fairly used bookstore. It is a book that permeates into our times with Holy Spirit inspired themes of scriptures.
Robert Norman –
Many great works exist in my library. Of those works, Gurnall’s Christian in Complete Armour finds itself as my fourth favorite book that I have ever read. I am so thankful for the pen that wrote this wonderful work. His labors have produced this great fruit which has been and will be a tremendous blessing to those who read it and understand it properly.
Andy DVarga –
I have not completed reading the entire volume, but so far this work is the best book I have ever read outside of the Bible. I read a lot and I am a missionary, so half of my job is to read and keep myself as educated and spiritually sharp as possible. This is as good as it gets! I love Tozer, Cymbala, Piper, Hudson Taylor, etc…. This set will not disappoint!