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Port Harcourt Reformed Bible Conference 3rd-6th November 2003

Category Articles
Date January 8, 2004

This conference was Nigeria’s 2nd Annual Reformed Bible Conference and the first East of the Niger. The venue was the Reformed Tabernacle of Christ’s Reformed Baptist Church, Rumuodara, Port Harcourt. Invitation was extended to Pastors, Bible college students and church officers- “Come, let us ask for the old paths”.

The Theme for this year – the Greatest Need of the Church Today – was chosen in order to awaken and focus the church’s attention to God’s great spiritual purpose of establishing the church on earth. Our aim was to project the Doctrines of Grace found in the Word of God and discovered during the Protestant Reformation by men such as John Whycliffe, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, John Calvin, John Knox and a Host of others.

Our Lord Jesus Christ loves the church and gave Himself as a sacrifice of atonement to save His people. He says, “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”. In the other hand, the devil hates the church and would do everything possible to destroy it. He has introduced so many innovations into the church in Nigeria to weaken the faith of God’s people in the form of new worship, entertainment with worldly music and dancing, make believe Signs and Wonders, counterfeit miracles and healings, compromise with the world, social gospel with attendant money and fame, health and wealth hunting, etc.

The Conference opened with selected hymns designed and printed to encourage hymn singing in Nigerian Churches. To many participants this was strange compared to the contemporary trend of repetitive choruses. We were encouraged to have 50 pastors in attendance and 150 church workers and officers. We had two participants from neighbouring Niger Republic.

The Speakers were at their best. We rejoiced to see one topic leading or connecting to the others. Rev. Spencer Cunnah, Pastor of Wycliffe Independent Church, Shefield, UK Spoke on the person and work of Christ and the Role of the Pastor effectively. Spencer who arrived Port Harcourt on Saturday 1st November had preached at Reformed Tabernacle on Sunday morning 2nd November and ministered amongst the young in the afternoon. We were blessed by his ministry for the whole week. Pastor Joe Jacowitz of Christ Bible Church. Oakland, California, U.S.A who arrived Lagos on 25th October came to Port Harcourt, on the 3rd November for the Conference. He spoke on the Attributes of God and the Pastoral Ministry, the call, qualification and the Pastoral Ministry, and the cross centred ministry. It was challenging encouraging to Pastors and Church leaders. We hope that this ministry would be used of God to correct, equip discipline and sanitized men in the ministry.

Pastor Paul Cookey who replaced Rev. Dr. Sid Garland spoke convincingly on the Word of God – Revelation, inspiration, inerrancy, sufficiency and infallibility of Scripture. Rev. Matthew Chiangi of NKST Church – a Christian Reformed Church from Northern Nigeria with its branch in Port Harcourt, handled the person and work of the Holy Spirit. From this lecture questions such as the 5 fold ministry? Apostles, prophet and prophesies today? The cessation of the sign gifts? Miracles, Healing, Anointing with Oil and women ministries? Were raised by our charismatic friends. These question provided Joe and Spencer Cunnah the opportunity at the questions and discussion to tackle these issues in two sessions during the conference. Pastor N. S. Umoh of the United Evangelical Church (Q.I.C) spoke movingly on the Christian Life. Pastor Soji George of the Lagos Tabernacle was able to show how our tribal cultures have so influenced the church in many areas. He pointed out in particular some Yoruba culture that is now current in Nigerian churches. He rebuked the political climate now prevalent in our churches.

Pastor Tony Okoroh of the Sovereign Grace Bible Church Lagos forcefully presented the lecture on Christian Marriage. Many were affected and challenged to be serious with their family life. Pastor Ani Ekpo was enabled to speak on the Church of Christ in History; The Protestant Reformation and Sunday School as a neglected vital organ of Children’s Ministry Department in our churches. These lectures were so much loved as they brought us back to our Protestant Reformed Foundation. Dr. Jenny (Mrs.) who replaced Mrs. Jane Garland spoke professionally on the topic of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. As a Medical Doctor, she was up to date with available information about AIDS. Many victims of HIV/AIDS who attended were comforted and informed as well as the church on her role to these victims. Daily reading notes on the Terminally Ill by Rev. Michael Harley were distributed to the affected persons.

FEEDING: Three meals a day were served freed to participants. We are grateful to the church members and friends who donated generously for this purpose.

BOOKS: Pastor Ani was able to display some of his titles from Banner of Truth and other publishers to whet the appetite of participants to good Christian Books. Many requests were made in so much that Rev. Spencer Cunnah in seeing the need, promised to solicit the Banner of Truth to come to their aid through their generous book fund.

Pastor Joe Jacowitz, through the help and kindness of the US brethren (Chapel Library) had send in 21 boxes of books. At the close of the conference each participant was able to go back with 25 free books of different and good titles. Many are testifying today how their ministry is being helped by those books. Some testified they have never read a title like Pinks’ Attributes of God; Spurgeon’s minister’s self watch etc.

RADIO MINISTRY: At the close of the conference on Thursday 6th November Joe Jacowitz, Spencer Cunnah and Ani Ekpo went to Treasure F. M. for a live open forum Christian Religious programme booked by us for two hours 5:00 – 7:00 pm. We introduced ourselves, our church and our ministries. We requested, after a brief exhortation, for listeners to phone in and ask any religions question bothering them. 17 persons phoned in with questions like -prophesies today? The Role of Woman Ministry? Women trousers in the church? The ordination of Gene Robinson as homosexual bishop, our view? Contemporary Christian one in Nigeria what do we say? Salvation and works? Requests of books and Bibles? Etc.

As a result of this programme, many visitors have come to our church. Letters have been received from far and wide with requests to answer some questions, gift of books and Bibles and such programme to be continued in a weekly basis. We pray that this interest may be sustained.

TESTIMONIES: One pastor came to our church at 3:00 pm to see and learn from our Sunday School. He promised to set up his own. One Pastor Stanly, a young man in his mid twenties went back from the conference convicted and challenged stood before his congregation and apologized for preaching a prosperity and miracle messages to deceive them to get money for his general overseer. It is gathered that the young man is now being persecuted by his G. O. who may ask him to quit his church. He photocopied the conference selected Hymns given to him and taught his congregation to sing hymns and not choruses. During our pastors fellowship for December, 2003, 15 Pastors came- each testified how they benefited from the conference and the books received.

The 5th Anniversary was celebrated with thanks to God. We had many visitors. Rev. Nwiidoobee exhorted the church and Pastor Ani warned the lost to flee to the Saviour from the text Jer. 8:20.

4 New Converts were baptized on the 30th November while one read his Christian Testimony to join our membership. It was the joy of our Pastor to baptize Judah, his 16 year old son amongst the New Converts. One stubborn local boy was one of the New Convents. Two years ago the pastor has used the death of his unconverted father to warn him.

Next Year’s Conference, by the grace of God, would be on Monday 8th Thursday 11th November 2004.

Pastor Ani R. Ekpo
Christ’s Reformed Baptist Church Inc.
Reformed Tabernacle, Rumuodara,
P.O.Box 7066, T/A Port Harcourt.

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