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Resources by Pronk, Cornelis

Who is the Wretched Man of Romans 7? In Romans 7 we find the statement, ‘O wretched man that I am!’ It is made by no one less than the Apostle Paul. A question that is often asked is, does he speak here as a regenerate or unregenerate person? The answer to this question is […]

Category Articles
Date August 10, 2012

One book was destined to become a spiritual classic almost as soon as it was published. Thomas Chalmers called it ‘the best book I ever read.’ And John Owen said of it that there was more divinity in it than in all his writings. I am referring to William Guthrie’s little classic, The Christian’s Great […]

Category Book Reviews
Date May 6, 2008

Justification in the Court of Conscience: Biblical Truth or Dangerous Error?1 What Exactly do we Celebrate on Reformation Day? Wednesday, October 31, 2007 marked the 490th anniversary of the Reformation and no doubt this event was observed by many churches which trace their origins to this great movement of the Spirit. Sermons will have been […]

Category Articles
Date November 2, 2007

YOUR SHIBBOLETH OR YOUR LIFE! During the judgeship of Jephtha, a civil war erupted between the Gileadites, members of the tribe of Benjamin, and the Ephraimites. The controversy was about the failure of the latter to help Jephtha in his war against the Ammonites. When Jephtha was victorious, the Ephraimites complained that they should have […]

Category Articles
Date October 5, 2007

Much has been written in recent years on postmodernism. It’s a term that pops up regularly in newspapers, magazines, talk shows and other media. You may have heard it mentioned even from the pulpit on occasion. What is postmodernism? The word itself suggests that it has to do with something that happened post or after […]

Category Articles
Date December 8, 2006

In Romans 1:18-32 the apostle Paul describes to us in vivid colours the terrible predicament of man lost in sin. He begins by telling us about God’s attitude toward human depravity; “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness” (v.18). God’s […]

Category Articles
Date August 31, 2006

In the previous installment we traced the roots of the New School Dutch Calvinistic preaching. This type of preaching is characterized by historical-redemptive rather than an exemplary approach to Scripture. Rejecting what it considers the individualistic, subjective, mystical and experiential elements in Old School Calvinistic preaching, it emphasizes the covenantal, objective and corporate aspects of […]

Category Articles
Date July 20, 2006

Introduction Every religion has certain characteristics that sets it apart from its rivals. There are different traditions, customs, rituals, ceremonies, modes of worship and styles of preaching. Limiting ourselves to Christianity and preaching, there is a marked difference, for instance, between Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, Methodist, Pentecostal and Reformed or Calvinistic preaching. It does not […]

Category Articles
Date July 18, 2006

In the last two articles I have given a rather extended review of a recently published book entitled, “True Sexual Morality, Recovering Biblical Standards for a Culture in Crisis.” I chose as my theme for this review, “The Paganization of the Church”, because one of the main arguments advanced by the author, Daniel R. Heimbach, […]

Category Articles
Date December 8, 2005

In the first of his articles (October 18, Banner of Truth web site), the author introduced the subject of the paganization of the church and stated that this paganization largely has to do with the way our culture views human sexuality, Cornelius Pronk quoted extensively from a recent published book entitled True Sexual Morality by […]

Category Articles
Date October 28, 2005

Serious problems exist in almost all of our churches. Most of these problems are of a moral nature; marital infidelity, pre-marital sex, internet-accessed pornography, sexual abuse, undisciplined TV and video viewing etc. What is Happening in Our Churches? What is happening to us? Why are so many of our baptized and confessing members and even […]

Category Articles
Date October 18, 2005

According to a recent article in “The Los Angeles Times,” the mention of hell from pulpits is at “an all-time low.” The article quotes Dr. Harvey Cox Jr., professor of Religion at Harvard Divinity School as saying that, “There has been a shift in religion from focusing on what happens in the next life to […]

Category Articles
Date June 7, 2005

The question is not whether Christians have a task in this world or not, but what this task consists of and what is the Scriptural basis and warrant for it Cornelius Pronk is a graduate of Calvin Seminary and pastor of Brantford Free Reformed Church, Ontario. He is radio pastor of the Banner of Truth […]

Category Articles
Date January 21, 2002