When you pray, use no vain repetitions, as the Heathen ; for they think to be heard for their much babbling. Be ye not like them therefore ; for your Father knoweth whereof ye have need before ye ask of him. After this manner therefore pray ye. Matthew 6 Our Father which art in Heaven O Lord […]
ReadOthers may prefer to begin by reading a whole book, and there are several which can be read without undue weariness to the mind – although it is always wise to read with paper and pencil at hand. Owen’s divisions can be perplexing [Goold tells us in volume 1, p xiv that they are denoted […]
ReadJohn Owen was born in 1616 and died in 1683. During the course of his life he held pastorates in Fordham and Coggeshall, in Essex, served as Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University, as army chaplain under Oliver Cromwell, and finally as the minister of a gathered congregation in the city of London. Little is known of […]
ReadRfobert Rollock does not receive the acknowledgment he deserves. He is not mentioned in the three dictionaries of the Christian church, The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, The Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals, and The Dictionary of the Christian Church. He was an early Puritan, born in 1555 and lived only 44 years, dying just […]
ReadThis ‘splendid work . . . should be read by all exercised Christians’. Rev Murdoch Campbell (whose own books were largely devotional) wrote this assessment of Scottish Theology around the time it was first published. It might seem strange to emphasise that all exercised believers should read this type of book. At first glance, the […]
ReadChurch activity is spread over an ever-widening field today. We have national churches of mixed nature, traditional churches, charismatic groups, house churches, fellowships. Happenings in churches that get into the news are mainly about decline in membership, abandoning principles, adopting ways of the world. There is scarcely any news of multiple conversions, substantial growth or […]
ReadThe following are testimonials of how the Banner Magazine has helped people in their spiritual walks. ‘I am now 84, was converted in 1949, and have been a Banner of Truth supporter since the 1960s. I first became acquainted with the work of the Banner when the late Ernie Reisinger spoke at Knox Orthodox Presbyterian […]
ReadI believe that the Bible is not a metal-tweezered promise box from which we can select our favourite passages and promises at random. I believe that the pulpit is not a stable in which I get to show off my favourite hobby horses to a weary congregation. I believe that the authority of the preacher is […]
Read1On a Sabbath, 12 March 1843, he met his people for the last time. He felt weak, though his hearers were not aware of it. On the followingTuesday, some ministerial duty called him out. Feeling very ill on his way home, he asked a friend to fulfil an engagement for him on the next day; […]
ReadThose who know what it is to say of Christ, ‘I sought Him but I found Him not’, will find much which resonates with their experience in this work by Sibbes; it is taken from volume 6 of Sibbes’ Works. In the early part of the book he deals with Mary’s experience of seeking, and […]
Read1Among Christian men a ‘living epistle’ is rare, as is an able evangelist among Christian ministers. M‘Cheyne was both; and for the benefit of our readers, and to the praise of that grace which made him to differ, we would record a few particulars about one of whom we feel it no presumption to say […]
ReadThese questions and statements are designed to provoke thought in the area of the sovereignty of God in salvation. The responsibility of man is not emphasized here but should be included in a balanced view of salvation. The fact that God is a sovereign and man is responsible to respond to God cannot be denied. […]
ReadThe annual Fellowship Conference of New England, takes place on August 4-6, in Portland, Maine beginning this Thursday. Four preachers are sharing the ministry – Jesse Barrington, Michael Durham, Charles Leiter, and Mack Tomlinson. Philip Neeley, one of the pastors at Providence Chapel in Denton, Texas, will preach on Sunday at a Portland church, Redeeming Grace […]
ReadPAUL, THE HUMAN BEING. 2 Timothy 4:9-15, 19-22. ‘Do your best to come to me quickly, for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is […]
ReadAccording to Romans 1:18-21 everyone born into this world, including you the reader, knows that there is a God. But many people attempt to suppress these thoughts about God. Here Romans says: The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since […]