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I’m not too keen on the title of this book, though I understand the context in which it was chosen, but I do love the author unequivocally. Elly Achok Olare and his brother Barnabas are two wonderful men, former students of mine whom I taught in the Pastors’ Theological Course in Nairobi, Kenya. I think of […]

Category Book Reviews
Date June 30, 2017

It is now over sixty years since Professor John Murray, in his 1955 Peyton Lectures, later published in Principles of Conduct (IVP, London, 1957), spoke of the ‘eclipse of the fear of God’. It was such he said that ‘we have become reluctant to distinguish the earnest and consistent believer as God-fearing’. If that was […]

Category Articles
Date June 28, 2017

The Let’s Study Series seeks to combine explanation and application. The aim is the exposition of Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside you with an open Bible. For one week only, you can get the Let’s Study Series at 35% OFF the retail price, and each individual volume in the series […]

Category Announcements
Date June 27, 2017

This question can be embarrassing, can’t it? Why do you worship on Sunday? Doesn’t the Bible say that the seventh day is the time God consecrated for his people? Where does the Bible say that Christians should sanctify the first day of the week, rather than the seventh day? It’s a good question, you will […]

Category Articles
Date June 26, 2017

FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2017 I slept fitfully, but was up before five and my oldest daughter Eleri took me to a Finchley station where I got the Heathrow Express for £6. There were no queues to the check-in and brief lines through the security X-rays. I walked to a pleasant restaurant for a full English […]

Category Articles
Date June 23, 2017

It is with deep regret that we must announce that after a long battle with Alzheimer’s the wife of Stuart Olyott, Doris, passed away during the Banner Ministers’ Conference. Much prayer had been made for her at that time and for Mr Olyott the day before she died. There was much thanksgiving for her life […]

Category Announcements
Date June 20, 2017

Am I a real Christian? There is not a true Christian who has not asked himself or herself that question, in fact every Christian should be examining his life to see if redemption is his or her privilege and eternal blessedness. As we come to the Lord’s Supper we do so renewing our awareness of […]

Category Articles
Date June 19, 2017

We have made these studies of the so-called Great Heresies because they represent significant false steps in the history of Christian teaching; in each of them a true teaching is distorted, and so becomes false. Each precipitated a crisis that forced the Church to look deeper into the Scriptures and consider the fullness of God’s […]

Category Articles, Resources
Date June 19, 2017

This series is in three parts, the first (Williams’ early years and conversion) can be read here, and the second (his marriage and ministry) can be read here. The Later Years The revival of 1762 may have broken out at Llangeitho, but it was given impetus by the works of William Williams, in particular the […]

Category Articles
Date June 16, 2017

This article is part two of a series. The previous section (Williams’  early years, conversion, and call to ministry) can be read here. Writings and Married Life William Williams moved to the farmhouse at Pantycelyn, by whose name he is generally known, soon after his marriage in or around 1747. His bride, Mary Francis, had […]

Category Articles
Date June 14, 2017

This year sees the three hundredth anniversary of the birth of William Williams of Pantycelyn, the ‘sweet singer’ of the eighteenth century Welsh revival and pre-eminent hymn-writer of Wales. The third of the great figures of the Methodist revival after Howell Harris and Daniel Rowland, Williams is claimed by Wales as a whole to a […]

Author ,
Category Articles, Resources
Date June 12, 2017

Sixty years ago a friend of mine was a preacher in a Reformed congregation in Grand Rapids. The practice in that congregation was that at the close of the sermon the elders stood in the front of the church and the preacher came and shook hands with each of them. Thus they showed to all […]

Category Articles
Date June 9, 2017

The links to all the 2017 US Banner Ministers’ Conference live stream videos and recorded addresses will be listed here during the conference. Go here to find live videos Go here to find all videos from the conference   Conference Schedule Eastern Standard Time Thursday, June 1st 8.15am – Conference Prayer Time 9.0am – The […]

Category Announcements
Date May 30, 2017

Grieving, Hope and Solace is the title of a book written by Al Martin (, 116 pages, 2011). It comprises a series of sermons preached after the death of his wife Marilyn after 42 years of marriage. The author sent me a copy when I experienced a similar loss last year and I found it […]

Category Articles
Date May 29, 2017

“. . . I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed, separated from Christ for the sake of my brethren.” – Romans 9:2,3 Why is there so little evangelistic zeal in today’s Reformed and Evangelical church? We love to teach our great theology, especially […]

Category Articles
Date May 26, 2017