David Ellis, Mark Johnston, and Dewey Roberts agree to answer questions on the books that have impacted their life and faith. * * * David Ellis is a retired missionary and pastor who recently moved to Stradbroke, Suffolk. Mark Johnston is the pastor of a Presbyterian church in Cardiff. Dewey Roberts is the minister of a PCA congregation […]
Read‘Do the work of an evangelist.’ , 2 Timothy 4:5 In my many travels around Presbyterian and Reformed Churches in the United States, one thing is now very clear to me-I almost never see an evangelist on the staff of these churches. To be sure, on rare occasion the Senior Pastor is an evangelist and […]
ReadStephen Turner, Philip Eveson, and Geoff Lloyd agree to answer questions on books that have impacted their life and faith. * * * Stephen Turner is a retired Baptist pastor in Auckland New Zealand. Philip Eveson is the retired principal of the London Seminary and a former minister in the Presbyterian Church of Wales. Geoff Lloyd is the […]
Read‘Thus saith the Lord: Behold I will bring again the captivity of Jacob’s tents, and have mercy on his dwelling-places; and the city shall be builded upon her own heap.’ , Jeremiah 30:18 The gospel is something which comes from God: ‘Thus saith the Lord’. I shall deal with this principle more in detail later on. […]
ReadThe close of December can be a time when well-intentioned resolutions are made about reading the Scriptures in their entirety in the year to come. An honest desire to know God’s Word more can quickly flounder, however, when pushed back by the reality of busy days and divided attention. While this can be symptomatic of […]
Read2017 witnessed some large sale commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Conference organisers and publishing houses have worked hard to ensure that the long lasting implications of Luther’s ‘breakthrough’ are not lost on our own generation of believers, and for this we are much in their debt. The story less told, however, […]
Read‘You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God?’ , James 4:4 In a most insightful blog in The Masculinist,1 author Aaron Renn takes up the issue of the American evangelical church and why we lack powerful impact in our culture. He writes of positive world Christianity, neutral world Christianity, and […]
ReadDerek W. H. Thomas, Guy A. Davies, and Steve Martin agree to answer questions on books that have impacted their life and faith. * * * Derek W.H. Thomas is the minister of First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina. Guy A. Davies pastors two Baptist churches in Rural Wiltshire. Steve Martin has been appointed the dean of students […]
ReadThe conference year ends with what we call the ‘Westminster’, or as it was once known, the ‘Puritan’. But back then the conference was nearer Christmas, school and university terms were over and college students, school teachers, and lecturers could attend. I like it then, during the days immediately before Christmas. Now it is in […]
ReadThere was always my dear cousin Bobi. Being an only child, my cousins were important to me and none more so than Bobi who was nine years older than me. He would become my best man on my wedding day in 1964 and we would live more than five decades together in the same small […]
ReadIn the first part of our discussion on Worship we were concerned to make the distinction between what would generally be called the body of worship and the heart of worship. We used another illustration of hardware and software to press that distinction. We have thus far identified two key issues which make for the […]
ReadContent is at the heart of worship. It is a sad thing to hear people in worship mindlessly repeat things. Most worship services will differ little from the chanting and frenzied episodes of oriental mysticism or African ‘spirit-ism’. Peter Masters of the Metropolitan Tabernacle writes, ‘If I am asked to define worship in one word, […]
ReadWe were in Uganda two months ago and happened to attend the only church we believed to be reformed. We had this impression because friends of ours had in previous years come to this church and found it to be not too bad. We were rather disappointed when we went in to find that it […]
ReadPaul Levy, George Macaskill, and Billy McCurrie agree to answer questions on the books that have impacted their life and faith. * * * Paul Levy is a Welshman and the pastor of the International Presbyterian Church in Ealing, London. The church is currently involved in a massive building programme. George Macaskill is a retired pastor in […]
ReadRegular exposition of the Scriptures in one church fellowship places certain unique demands on the preacher. Remaining fresh while remaining faithful, and preaching consistently without preaching predictably can be significant challenges. A perennial problem for any settled preaching ministry, however, is that of remaining Christ-centred and gospel focused in our ministry of the Word, while […]