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THE LIBERAL CASE FOR RESTORING THE DEATH PENALTY After years of being forced on the back foot by all this nonsense, it is time for those of us who believe in the humanitarian case for capital punishment to strike backby Neil Clark A particularly barbaric murder of two ten-year old girls in a small town […]

Category Articles
Date September 4, 2002

GOD DOESN’T ALWAYS SAY YES TO WHAT WE ASK FOR He stood there, mouth agape, staring in amazement by Baruch Maoz, Israel Some weeks back, Sasha, an Elder in the church, had completed evening devotions with his 6 year old son, Daniel. The subject was unanswered prayer, and it occurred to him to ask his […]

Category Articles
Date August 30, 2002

LOOKING FOR LEADERS Now how should you go about nominating and electing those who will serves leaders of our congregation? You need to know two things: First, what are these men called to do? Second, what qualifications are they required to possess? by William H. Smith We as a church are looking for leaders. One […]

Category Articles
Date August 30, 2002

THE IMMEASUREABLE LOVE OF GOD It is clear from Scripture that God loves His elect people unconditionally. The Lord does not discover loveliness in us and find Himself attracted to us because of that, but rather by His sanctifying grace He deposits loveliness in us. by William HarrellThe immeasurable, unchangeable, and unconditional love of God […]

Category Articles
Date August 30, 2002

TURN! O TURN! WHY WILL YOU DIE he had no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turned from their evil ways and lived, for why should the wicked die? by Achille Blaize [Achille Blaize is the pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Gurney Road, London E15 1SL ( He preached at […]

Category Articles
Date August 30, 2002

CALLED TO SERVE There was the sunshine of God’s grace and it was preached by Isaiah as no other prophet preached it by Stuart Olyott At the annual Evangelical Movement of Wales Conference in Aberystwyth in August 2002 this opening message on "Called to Serve" was given by Professor Stuart Olyott of the Evangelical Theological […]

Category Articles
Date August 25, 2002

DISCOVERING CHRIST The human aspiration is to seek and find in many walks of life. How doomed is any civilisation which has lost that search. by Meirion Thomas [Meirion Thomas is the minister of Malpas Road Evangelical Church in Newport, South Wales, and on the Tuesday evening of the Evangelical Movement of Wales Conference in […]

Category Articles
Date August 25, 2002

Some have never got hold of the truth of justification by faith. There are those who think that they are more acceptable to God when they have a quiet time, and not quite so acceptable when they miss a quiet time. by Stuart Olyott [Stuart Olyott gave a seminar at the Evangelical Movement of Wales […]

Category Articles
Date August 25, 2002

KNOWING THE FORGIVENESS OF GOD You cannot enjoy the relationship with God until that sin has been dealt with. That is by far the most serious consequence of the fall. No one at all is excused from the problem by Derek Cleave [On the Wednesday evening of the Aberystwyth Conference of the Evangelical Movement of […]

Category Articles
Date August 25, 2002

A SON PAYS TRIBUTE TO A CHRISTIAN MOTHER Mrs. Louise Otten, the mother of Walter Otten, the editor of the Lutheran weekly newspaper, “Christian News,” died in her 92nd year on June 25. Her son has written this tribute to his mother in the Christian News, and so opens a window on evangelical Lutheranism in […]

Category Articles
Date August 16, 2002

MARRIAGE: IF AND WHOM 50% of all marriages end in divorce, and there is no statistical difference between believers and non-believers when it comes to the likelihood of a failed marriage by William Smith Our Scripture Readings are Genesis 26:34,35; 27:46; 28:6-9; I Corinthians 7:7-9, 39 & 40 and our text is, "She is free […]

Category Articles
Date August 16, 2002

NO KIDDING Children are a covenantal blessing. Children are not an unmixed blessing, and I would quickly disabuse any starry-eyed romantic who thinks otherwise by William H Smith There was a time when we thought there might be no kids for us. We were scheduled for a doctor’s appointment to discuss among other things the […]

Category Articles
Date August 16, 2002

WE COULD USE A LITTLE HELP DOWN HERE by William H Smith My father, who’s been in heaven since 1988, inadvertently taught me about praying to the saints. I was struggling with what to say and do with one of my sons who seemed to be adrift. We met for breakfast one morning, and as […]

Category Articles
Date August 16, 2002

CHRISTIANITY AND EDUCATION The early Christians believed in basic teaching for every church member, whether a child or a new convertby David Feddes Jesus and most of his early followers were Jewish. Many Jewish families emphasized education and wanted their sons to learn a trade in order to earn a living, as well as learning […]

Category Articles
Date August 13, 2002

CHRISTIAN HOPE IN DEATH "What benefits do believers receive from Christ at death? The souls of believers are at death made perfect in holiness, and do immediately pass into glory, and their bodies, being still united to Christ, do rest in their graves till the resurrection."by Geoff Thomas What are the common characteristic views of […]

Category Articles
Date August 13, 2002