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Maggie Paton’s letters ought to be read alongside Paton’s autobiography. James Paton wrote that he was eager to publish these letters because "they present another picture of mission life and experiences in the New Hebrides from that portrayed in the now famous Autobiography of her husband by Joel Beeke The story of John Gibson Paton […]

Category Articles
Date April 28, 2003

God sometimes sovereignly makes examples of some of His people so that all of His people may lead exemplary lives all of the time by William Harrell Most preachers and Bible teachers consistently modify any reference to the fear of God by saying that since perfect love casts out fear, such fear must imply reverence […]

Category Articles
Date April 24, 2003

There is no reason here to be encouraged. Some will reply that they will be delighted to have an Archbishop who asserts central credal doctrines. This delight in itself is alarming by Garry Williams, Tutor in Church History and Doctrine, Oak Hill College, London Alister McGrath tells readers of the Church of England Newspaper (no. […]

Category Articles
Date April 24, 2003

Faith is vital in the matter of assurance – indeed all other marks are worthless without it by Matthew Vogan William Guthrie is most famous for the valuable little book that he wrote called The Christian’s Great Interest. This book has gone through numerous editions (currently it is available from the Banner of Truth Trust) […]

Category Articles
Date April 24, 2003

The pastor-church relationship is a sensitive and vitally important issue. The proper dissolution of that relationship in difficult circumstances needs to be carefully considered in the light of biblical teachings by Thomas Ascol "Do not receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses. Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence […]

Category Articles
Date April 17, 2003

Young preachers, don’t lose the passion in your ministry. Be zealous and earnest to make the truth of the gospel known. by Allen Harrison It’s hard to believe that I have been involved in the ministry of the gospel for over fifty-one years. What a joy it has been, even with an assortment of difficult […]

Category Articles
Date April 17, 2003

To grasp this basic (indeed, very basic) fact, will transform our lives. It is undoubtedly one of the devil’s stratagems to turn the Christian in upon himself/herself by Ian Hamilton "Faith" is perhaps the most used word in the evangelical vocabulary. Without "faith" it is impossible to please God. We are justified through "faith". We […]

Category Articles
Date April 17, 2003

It is a strange thing for a non-Jewish, American Christian girl to grow up in Israel, and even stranger for her to melt so well into the fabric of Israeli society by Baruch Maoz Samuel stood on the small platform before the one thousand or so who gathered on a sunny, breezy noon. He was […]

Category Articles
Date April 8, 2003

According to tradition, in the first century the apostle Thomas evangelized the region on his way to India. An estimated 600,000 Christians live in the country of 22 million people. Presbyterian missionaries began working in Iraq in 1836. Some five congregations belong to the Assembly of Evangelical Presbyterian Churches-Iraq. The oldest of these congregations dates […]

Category Articles
Date April 8, 2003

There is such a thing as an unforgivable sin, and we will not apologise for dealing with a sober theme. Now you know that every wise Christian will say such words as these to you about that sin (and most of you have heard these counsels often through your life) – hear me – that […]

Category Articles
Date April 8, 2003

Fede Viva has evolved into a growing movement of theologically prepared laymen, elders and pastor-theologians. Its goal is to help build a New Reformed Church, centered in Italy, but spreading worldwide. by Rev. M. Luimes Nobleton Born into a rich and influential family, Rev. Franco Maggiotto, was a rising star in the Roman Church. By […]

Category Articles
Date March 31, 2003

Even as Christians, we seldom see the need for face-to-face friendships. How often is it that the only contact we have with our fellow-believers is at the Sunday worship service. by Ria Van Dyken The eighth annual Credenda Agenda History Conference was held in Moscow, Idaho, February 6 – 8. Attended by well over 800 […]

Category Articles
Date March 31, 2003

We must look nowhere else and to no one else. There is no other Lamb, no other sacrifice, no other hiding place from guilt and shame. But there need be no other. by William Smith Perhaps you have received a call at work from your wife informing you that the kids are out of control […]

Category Articles
Date March 31, 2003

“I here declare, I think myself called by the Lord to the work of the ministry, and did forsake my nearest relations in the world, and gave up myself to the service of the gospel in this place, having received a unanimous call from this parish, and being tried and ordained by the Presbytery; and […]

Category Articles
Date March 27, 2003

Paul, this Luo pastor, was confident that the falling on the floor and the writhing about was certain evidence of demon possession. People can even claim that they themselves have demons. They themselves can be mistaken, and often are. by Geoff Thomas There is no doubt that once the Lord Jesus began his ministry in […]

Category Articles
Date March 27, 2003