Kevin DeYoung’s recent World news article on evangelical compromise with LGBTQ is immensely helpful. DeYoung points out that such compromise is rarely, if ever, instantaneous. Rather, it manifests gradually, as truth is first omitted, then de-emphasised, and finally deemed to be beyond the pale. ‘Rarely do evangelical leaders and institutions leap all at once from […]
ReadIn the year that King Uzziah died, Isaiah the prophet saw the Lord, high and lifted up. There had been no king like Uzziah since the golden age of Solomon 300 years before. He had reigned for 52 years—the vast majority of the people did not remember any other king. It was a time of […]
ReadWhat is biblical friendship? Drawing inspiration especially from the Proverbs, Paul Beardmore describes the nature, purpose, joys, and pitfalls of friendship. The following material was first presented in a Sunday School class at Grace Baptist Church, Carlisle, PA. Friendship, let alone biblical friendship, is largely absent from our culture today. The challenge of finding a […]
ReadWhile a ‘new biography’ no longer, Iain Murray’s Jonathan Edwards (1987) is a book which fires the mind, warms the heart, and calls us to fervent prayer. Sharon James explains how the book has proved an encouragement to her time after time. When the Banner of Truth published Iain Murray’s Jonathan Edwards: A New Biography […]
ReadBooking is now open for the Banner Borders Conference 2022, which will take place from November 11th to 12th. Held at the Church of Scotland Chapel in Carlisle, it is a gathering intended particularly to serve those in northern England and southern Scotland with fellowship and faithful biblical teaching. The conference is open to all, […]
ReadIn Exodus 18 Moses spends a whole chapter on his father-in-law Jethro. I think it’s safe to assume that Moses didn’t promise to give him a prominent spot in his book in order to win brownie points with the in-laws! So why then is this chapter here? One of its main purposes is to do […]
ReadThis review was first published in the 2022 edition of the New Horizons magazine and has been shared with permission. * * * The Lord Jesus once said, ‘every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old’ (Matt. 13:52). The treasures from […]
ReadThis review was first published in the 2022 edition of the New Horizons magazine and has been shared with permission. * * * In this pamphlet, OPC pastor Jeremiah Montgomery addresses the often vexing issue of assurance of salvation. Having walked the ‘valley of the shadow of doubt’ for more than twenty-five years, his purpose […]
ReadDo you find yourself constantly surprised by the things that God says are important as you read through Scripture? I found this, yet again, just a couple of weeks ago when I came to preach on Exodus 16 and was confronted by a whole chapter about manna. More space is given to it in Exodus […]
ReadIt is a question worth pondering as to whether there is much serious prayer being offered up in our busy age. There is undoubtedly a welter of other things being attempted: files of paper are prepared on a host of topics; memoranda by the score are recorded; statistics are noted; committees are formed and then […]
ReadIn the book of Revelation the apostle John is taken up through an open door into the throne room of the whole universe. We watch through his eyes as the Lord Jesus appears before the throne of God and takes a scroll from the right hand of God. This densely-worded scroll contains God’s blueprints for […]
ReadMany will testify that it is the Banner Conferences, just as much as the books and magazine, that have been used of the Lord to strengthen their faith, encourage them in discipleship and ministry, and connect them with like-minded brethren. It is with great joy, then, that we are once again offering our Spring Youth […]
Read‘See Mary weeping.’ So runs the invitation in the Townend-Getty Easter hymn, See What a Morning. Mary has come to Jesus’ tomb on the morning of the first day of the week and stands outside it weeping. Why is she weeping? She gives us the answer herself: ‘They have taken away my Lord, and I […]
ReadThe other week I came across one of those sayings that sticks in your mind and makes you think: ‘An expert hits a target no-one else can hit; a genius hits a target no-one else can see.’ It struck me that there is a third level we could add: ‘the Lord hits a target no-one […]
ReadGentleness is tender strength. Without the tender heart, strength could do damage. Without the strong hand, tenderness could prove ineffectual. Gentleness, then, is a function of strength. There is nothing either harsh or weak about gentleness, but rather pity of heart and power of hand combined attractively and effectively. While it knows nothing of heartless […]