‘THE ATTRACTIONS OF POPERY’ When they tire of the banality of modern evangelicalism, North Americans will become the ripest of prey for Romish ritualism [The Banner of Truth have reprinted the three volumes of the Discussions of Robert L. Dabney, the third, and more neglected volume, appearing fifteen years after the first two, in 1982. […]
ReadA Saudi-raised Pastor offers an insider’s perspective. At 4.55, the minaret loudspeaker blared outside my window. I was in Damascus, visiting relatives, and hundreds of mosques all over the city were calling Muslims to the first of five daily prayers. Faithful Muslims weave these into their everyday lives. If they forget their duties in the […]
ReadTHE GOSPEL SPREADING IN SICILY, ITALY We were present in Santa Elisabetta for the dedication of their new premises and have seen many Christians and also a good attendance of non-Christians To write an article, especially in the summer season of 2001 in which the temperature reaches 35 degrees, is an enterprise, particularly if you […]
ReadALL WE WILL GET IN 2002 IS MERCY January 1, 2002 Let us make crystal clear at the beginning of 2002, all we will get from God this year as believers in Jesus is mercy. Whatever pleasures or pains come our way will all be mercy. This is why Christ came into the world – […]
ReadRELIGIOUS LIBERTY IN SPAIN TODAY The tragedy is that we had reformers, but we did not have a Reformation! In much of Europe, either the Roman Catholic or Orthodox Church have enjoyed a privileged position with a dominant influence on culture, whilst Evangelicals have been a small and sometimes persecuted minority. A pan-European forum was […]
ReadTHE ALPHA AND THE CHRISTIANITY EXPLAINED COURSES Among Christians Alpha has earned a rapidly spreading reputation based on its effectiveness. On 24th May 2001 at All Soul’s Church, Langham Place, a new evangelistic course called Christianity Explored was launched. Adapting and expanding an earlier course run at All Soul’s called Christianity Explained, Rico Tice has […]
ReadHUGH MARTIN “his early conversion was followed by the call to devote himself to the ministry of the Gospel, and his higher studies from the beginning, were directed to that end” The Banner of Truth has reprinted a number of the works of Hugh Martin, his commentary on the book of Jonah, his book of […]
ReadTHE FEAR OF THE LORD Historically, when the people of God take God seriously, the result is true and enduring growth in the Church I am certain that a deep chord was struck in all of us who attended a recent prayer meeting at which we considered a section of the long Psalm containing a […]
ReadESCAPE FOR YOUR LIFE! A wounded, weak, and helpless worm, On Christ’s kind arms I fall; Be thou my strength and confidence, My Jesus and my all. God speaks. Sometimes He whispers by the still small voice of the gospel to us in tender overtures of mercy through the preached Word. Sometimes He speaks through […]
ReadRICHARD GREENHAM AND THE COUNSELLING OF TROUBLED SOULS Greenham was a pastoral counsellor of uncommon skill The fifth lecture at the Westminster Conference 2001 was given by Stanley Jebb of Truro on “Richard Greenham and the Counselling of Troubled Souls.” We have learned about Greenham through J.I.Packer’s admiration for him. He has told us about […]
ReadTHE SERAPHIC SAMUEL PEARCE Pearce hoped to join him overseas but his own church were united that he was needed more in England. So he spent his brief ministry in Birmingham. The closing paper of the Westminster Conference was given by Dr Robert Oliver the professor of Church History at the London Theological Seminary and […]
ReadIS WORSHIP BORING? I believe God’s people will find worship nourishing, and rarely boring In December 2000 I was asked by a writer of “Word and Way” (the newspaper of the Missouri Baptist Convention) to contribute to a multi-page, special section on the subject of “Is Church Boring?” My input was requested because in my […]
ReadJOHN OWEN AND THE PROBLEM OF INDWELLING SIN It is evident that in the shallowness of modern English evangelicalism sin is not dealt with seriously in evangelism or in the battles of the Christian life and many feel that Owen is the man who can teach this generation much that is absent, to our lamentable […]
ReadRICHARD SIBBES AND THE RETURNING BACKSLIDER ‘Of this blest man, let this just praise be given: heaven was in him, before he was in heaven.’ The third paper at the Westminster Conference 2001 was given by Paul Oliver co-pastor with his father at Bradford on Avon. It was on the theme “The Returning Backslider” a […]
ReadPHILIP DODDRIDGE AND THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION His manual of theology was considered a beacon of orthodoxy The fourth paper given at the Westminster Conference 2001 was on “Philip Doddridge and Theological Education.” It was delivered by Robert Strivens of Banbury. What a fascinating subject. There are really two themes present here, the first being Doddridge himself […]