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How far have we to go?Erroll Hulse (Continued from Part 1) Paradigm five , the Modern Missionary Movement 1800 to 1970 The revivals of the first part of the 18th century as explained by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) must be seen as the watershed of a movement which led to the great world-wide missionary movement that […]

Category Articles
Date February 4, 2004

The Bible is the only book in the world that speaks authoritatively on this subject and it has a lot to say about death and dying. Before writing these thoughts I looked up every verse in the Bible that mentions death or dying—it was a profitable exercise. I began to write these thoughts about death […]

Category Articles
Date February 4, 2004

[The doctrine of eternal justification, a chief tenet of Antinomian Hyper-Calvinism, is dealt a crushing blow by the Puritan John Flavel in an appendix to his Vindiciarum Vindex. Flavel rightly describes it as an attempt to fight against the free grace of God under grace’s own colours. Hence its success in deceiving the unwary. The […]

Category Articles
Date January 22, 2004

In recent months I have attended the funerals of two dear friends and much-respected ministers of the gospel. Both their funerals were deeply moving occasions, as hundreds gathered to honour the lives and ministries of two of God’s choicest servants. As I have reflected on their funerals, one feature common to both has indelibly impressed […]

Category Articles
Date January 22, 2004

Introduction One of the Sovereign Grace Union’s current pamphlets bears the title The Centrality of the Cross. It bears witness to the solemn truth that the religion of our Lord Jesus Christ is the religion of redemption by His crucifixion. In the words of Herman Bavinck: "the cross of Christ is the focal point" of […]


Some thoughts prompted by ‘Genius, Grief and Grace,’ by Dr Gaius Davies, (Christian Focus Publications; 2001; £8.99) written by Stephen Clark in the ‘Evangelical Magazine’ of September 2003, and January 2004 and reprinted by permission. Dr Gaius Davies is a Christian psychiatrist, whose involvement with the Evangelical Movement of Wales goes right back to the […]

Category Articles
Date January 22, 2004

Old Testament Readings: Leviticus 13: 45,56; Numbers 5: 1-3 Gospel Reading: Mark 1:40-45 “Will you have this woman to be your wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others, keep […]

Category Articles
Date January 21, 2004

Gospel Reading: Mark 1: 21-28 Two weeks ago we had a man most had never met come into our congregation to preach God’s Word. We knew that Dr. Derek Thomas was a seminary professor, an author, and a staff minister who preaches regularly at a large Presbyterian Church. But we have never experienced him as […]

Category Articles
Date January 21, 2004

D.Martyn Lloyd-Jones and British Evangelicalism by Stephen Clark Book review article of “Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) and Twentieth Century Evangelicalism” by John Brencher (Paternoster Press 2002, 267pp). Let me begin by articulating some biblical principles upon which all Bible believing Christians are (at least in theory) agreed. First, there is not a perfect man on the […]

Category Articles
Date January 21, 2004

150 or so people, including 35 women, were present at the Carey Conference with representatives of 15 nationalities. Praise Hymns were sung; both mornings began with prayer meetings; the report sessions from men living in a dozen countries was one of the high spots. Geoff Thomas: "The Remarkable Jonathan Edwards." I spoke on Edwards. A […]

Category Articles
Date January 21, 2004

Kobe Bryant picked up a four million dollar diamond ring this week. As you probably know, this Los Angeles Lakers star basketball player recently admitted to adultery and is charged with worse. He has publicly apologized to his wife, and she has said she will stand by him. It is hard to think of the […]

Category Articles
Date January 17, 2004

It is the 1250th anniversary of the death of Boniface, missionary, preacher, bishop, extender of papal authority and martyr. To understand him one has to know something of another Englishman twenty years older than Boniface who was his inspiration and role model. This man was called Willibrord and was born in the north of England […]

Category Articles
Date January 17, 2004

George Mueller lived over 100 years ago in Bristol, England and was famous for caring for thousands of orphans and seeing God answer his daily prayers for their provision. He gave this message when he was 59 at a New Year’s service. It is a powerful call to be in the Word of God every […]

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Category Articles
Date January 17, 2004

SAMUEL DAVIES AND THE POWER OF REFORMED PREACHING On November 1, 1755, a killer earthquake destroyed Lisbon, Portugal. The quake was a monster- one of the worst in history. Some 60,000 people died, and, according to estimates, the earthquake would have registered a whopping 7.85 on the Richter scale. Special circumstances made the earthquake even […]

Category Articles
Date January 16, 2004

How common the phrase today, "I hate controversy"; it is in most people’s mouths; it is constantly on the lips of the people of God. We venture to assert that controversy is essential to the existence of the Church of God. What did Jesus Christ mean when He said: "Think not that I am come […]

Category Articles
Date January 16, 2004