The following letter to the editor appeared in the November 2005 issue of New Horizons in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, on page 22. Editor: I would like to thank New Horizons for allowing me the opportunity to respond briefly to the review of my book Inspiration and Incarnation that appeared in last month’s issue. I […]
ReadPerhaps it is because there is a greater than usual concentration of angels, or perhaps it is due to the ministry of the Holy Spirit quickening the graces of our new natures, or perhaps it is because our faith is so much more sharply focused, or most likely because of all of these things, there […]
ReadHow a Sinner Comes to Recognise the Inspiration of the Bible How do we become assured that the Bible is the inspired Word of God? If we depend on faith rather than reason for our conviction that the Bible is the Word of God, what is the difference between Christianity and other religions which claim […]
ReadJohn Owen on the Lord’s Supper; Jon D Payne John Owen was undoubtedly one of the greatest among the Puritan theologians of the seventeenth century. Considerable scholarly attention has been given to his formulation of doctrines such as those of the Trinity, the person of Christ and the atonement, and to his theological method. His […]
ReadThere have been men who made the most profound impression upon their own generation, yet whose very names are well-nigh forgotten by posterity. Man ‘fleeth as a shadow and continueth not,’ and another generation takes his place upon the stage of life. Such is the shortness of life that few find time to obey that […]
ReadIn Britain, fewer and fewer people make any acknowledgement of God. They live as if He did not exist; they never attend public worship; they assume that beyond death there is nothing – no judgement, no eternity, no heaven, no hell. And behind all this unbelief lies one highly-significant factor – the theory of evolution. […]
ReadRecent title in the Let’s Study series by Sinclair B. Ferguson When Paul wrote Ephesians he was a prisoner, perhaps at Caesarea, though Rome is more likely. In a city dominated by the great temple of Artemis and a notable centre of magic arts (Acts 19:19), Christians needed to know the power of the living […]
ReadWe learn from Jonathan Edwards that the inner spiritual life of the minister is the most important part of his life. The scriptural proof of this statement is plain. It is found, for instance, in our Lord’s examination of Simon Peter before the disciple is commissioned again to serve Christ: ‘Simon, son of Jonah, do […]
ReadThe All-Sufficient God Sermons on Isaiah 40By Martyn Lloyd-Jones A book by Martyn Lloyd-Jones is like a Mars bar: you may have heard they were great – and feared that they were a bit filling – but once you have eaten a whole one, you always look forward to the next!The All-Sufficient God started life […]
ReadNew Geneva Series Commentary by John Davenant The name of John Davenant (c. 1576-164 1) may not be one of the best known today, but is one that ought to be known better than it is. A graduate of Cambridge University, at the age of thirty-three he was awarded his Doctor of Divinity and made […]
ReadWhile any thought of hell is anathema to most people, the doctrine of heaven is probably the most popular of all Christian teachings. A poll, taken in the United States in 1990, reported that seventy-eight per cent of those questioned claimed to believe in heaven. In a supposedly materialistic age, there is a widespread fascination […]
ReadIt is an unusual privilege to stand before you today (November 12, 2005), at the 40th anniversary of my commencing my ministry in this church. In some ways it is like being present at one’s own funeral service! Certainly it is a foretaste of that event, as family and friends have gathered here from far […]
ReadIn the current October 2005 New Horizons, the in house journal of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, there is a review by Pastor Brenton C. Ferry of a book written by Peter Enns, the professor of Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, entitled Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament […]
Read“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones.” Psalm 116:15 Abstract: This is the story of Faustino Reis, beloved Christian brother and third leading national in his Mozambique congregation. Faustino was murdered in August while working at our bookshop, the Biblioteca Fiel. His personal testimony and the surprising events […]
ReadWhen Carl Manthey Zorn died in Cleveland, Ohio, the renowned Lutheran theologian, August Pieper wrote a 73 page biography of him, saying, “When he died one of the great ones of Israel fell.” Zorn was not even a member of Pieper’s own denomination. Who was this local minister who was to remain a pastor throughout […]